Niples - "Working for the Infidel" pt1

... but then they're not Human anymore!"
"Exactly!" The Infidel said. "It's just stupid. Join with me Seymour, and once
we rule Earth we can put a stop to this barbarism. Only we can save the Human
race, because they're destroying themselves!"
"Well... I do hate the Hymenoptera." Seymour said.
<end snip>
The Infidel slapped Seymour on the shoulder. "Well done bro!" He said. Seymour
winced, and watched with horror as the man's gold medallion jingled around his
chest. Seymour really didn't know why he'd agreed to help this man.
"The first thing I need you to do is to send a message to someone for me." Said
the Infidel. "Easy right?"
Seymour nodded. "I'm a Royal Ambassador. Diplomacy is my middle name."
"Really? Mine's Fernando" Said the Infidel. "Hold on... Royal Ambassador?"
"Yes. Ambassador to her Majesty the Queen of England, the Commonwealth, and
Mollopod." Seymour said proudly. "Mollopod was a new addition to the
Commonwealth, I'm not sure if that was a good decision." He said.
"Well it would mean we always beat someone at the Commonwealth games." The
Infidel joked. "So who's the Queen in your dimension?"
"Queen Brittany Royal." Seymour said. "Isn't she here?"
"Ahh." Said the Infidel. "You'll see soon enough!"
Who: Seymour Niples and the Infidel
Where: In an ice-truck, Prison Planet
When: An hour later
Seymour sat on a very small chair shivering from the cold. He had a woolly
jumper on, and sat with a briefcase on his lap.
He looked out of the window and saw snow, snow in the air, snow on the ground
and snow collecting on the window of the truck. They hadn't known when they had
first arrived, but the Prison Planet was on an ice planet. It means that if
anyone did escape, there was nowhere to go to. People who escaped from the
prison just had to wander through the snow until they died of frostbite.
In the distance, Seymour saw something large and blue with a thin layer of snow
on top of it.
"Driver! Go left!" He called out. The mime looked at him through the rear-view
mirror and pointed to his watch. Seymour took that to mean there wasn't enough
time for sightseeing.
"That's the Blue Dwarf!" He said. "They've landed the Blue Dwarf on this planet.
The mime driver shrugged, and pointed to Seymour's briefcase. Seymour opened it
and took out some instructions that he'd been given from the Infidel himself. He
read it out aloud.
"Seymour, by now you have probably seen your blue spaceship through the window.
We've landed it on this planet because we want to repair it and add it to our
own fleet as a warship. It looks extremely spacious and would make a good
luxurious flagship. I especially like a roomy apartment on the Ambassadorial
Deck, room #388. It's been well decorated-" Seymour stopped reading. "That's MY
apartment!" He shouted, and continued to read. "- and would make a good sex pad
once I've thrown out all that horrible wine and replaced it with Bacardi
Breezers." Again, Seymour's eyes left the paper. "THAT BASTARD!!!" He screamed
and threw the paper on the floor.
The truck arrived at a large dome which seemed to have it's own spaceport. Rows
of ground-to-space missile turrets lined the edge of the dome, which were
watching a spaceship that was docking. The spaceship was a typical SpaceCorps
design, although it seemed to have green veins stretched across the exterior
Seymour watched it land until his truck stopped. The mime opened the door, and
pointed to a door he needed to head towards. Seymour expected to walk to the
door alone, but a huge crowd of tough-looking mimes appeared and escorted him
into the building.
"Oh thankyou chaps. I'm not sure I need this much security though do I?" He
paused. "Do I?"
<OOC – To be continued! Sorry for not including anyone else in this little
storyline, I thought it made sense for Seymour to go alone. If you think it's
interesting though and want to join me just send me an email. In fact there will
be a good opportunity for your character's alternate version to meet me here! >

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