Pancake is permitted to pilfer the potion

Who: Justin and Micky
Where: Outside the Science Labs
When: Just after last post
Do you have a permit?"
"Err... no." Admitted Justin, unable to think of a decent blag.
"Do I look like a smegging scientist?" Said Micky, staring the man in the face.
Justin pulled Micky back and whispered to him. "How can we get in here? Neither
of us are scientists!"
<end snip>
Justin and Micky walked away, both limping from the boils on their legs. Justin
clenched his stomach and vomited on the floor.
"You okay mate?" Micky asked.
"No, I'm not. I've caught all your horrible diseases!" Justin said. "Next I'll
have your horrible burning urine. How can it possibly burn through metals
doors?! That's just insane!"
Micky shrugged. Then he started to inspect Justin vomit. "Mate, you've got
Micky pointed to the small toads jumping around in the puddle of vomit. "Those.
I caught that once on a tropical planet, I must have been carrying the disease
all this time and passed it on to you. I called them vom-toads."
"Ewww, thats gross!" Said Justin, and chucked up some more. Then stopped, and
opened his mouth as the last toad croaked and jumped out.
Justin looked at them both. Micky collapsed against the wall. "We're really ill.
Maybe we should stop and just go to see Doctor Keto."
Pancake almost gave up. He almost said goodbye to the future he wanted. It
wasn't worth this much... was it?
Then a scientist came up to them. "Ooh interesting disease. I think I'll name it
vom-toads." He looked at the ill pair curiously, and then put on some rubber
gloves. "Interesting. Would you two like to come with me to my lab?"
"You mean... in there?" Justin said, pointing towards the science labs.
"Of course."
"Awesome!" Said Justin. "Do you know a guy named Rufus?"
"Of course. My lab is right next to his."
Justin's blotch-ridden face beamed with delight. He could see his future again.
They both followed the scientist past the security guard and into the man's lab.
Justin studied Rufus' door closely as they passed. It was left slightly ajar,
all he needed to do was sneak inside and find the package which he had to
deliver to the porky man named Roebuck on Fourth Base.
Something seemed odd though. It was too convenient that this man was walking
past them at exactly the right time, and just happened to be looking for two
subjects with tropical space-diseases. "So how did you find us?" Justin asked.
"I was following a man. He told me to come with him, not sure where he is now.
He had large eyebrows and a cloak."
"Potential!" Justin whispered to Micky. "He's still helping me!"
Micky rolled his eyes at the name. "He's a total wanker. He's the one that gave
me all these diseases remember. Remind me to urinate acid on him next time he
shows himself."
"Let me take a blood sample." Said the scientist, in the quiet of his own lab.
Justin saw the man coming near him with a syringe and saw his opportunity. He
snatched the needle off the man and plunged it into his neck.
"Ow ow ow ow!" said the scientist and fell unconscious to the floor.
"Sorry." Said Justin, and made sure the man was in a comfortable position to
wake up later.
He ran out of the lab and into Rufus' lab next door. "Package, package,
package." Justin said to himself as he looked around for the box he had been
given on Fourth Base.
"It might have been opened." Micky said.
Justin nodded. "But I don't know what was inside."
Then he saw it. A vial of green liquid, suspended in a metal frame. The green
glowed with the luminescence of a Hymenoptera's skin. Justin approached,
transfixed. He didn't know what it was, but was drawn to it as if it had a
magical hold over him.
"What is it?" Asked Micky.
"I don't know. But it's something to do with the Hymenoptera." Justin said.
"How do you know? Are you a scientist?" Micky said sarcastically.
"It's green."
"Lots of things are green."
"It's Hymenoptera." Justin said. "I just know it. Eckerslike wants me to Captain
the JMC's first ship made from Human and Hymenoptera technology. We'll rule the
Micky winced. "You sound a bit like a lunatic. Might be best if you stopped
talking now."
Justin snatched the vial and gripped it tightly into his hand. "I'm going to
take this to the Corridor of Infinite Perversions. You can't stop me!" He
shouted, and started running.
<tag, can you stop me?>

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