The Challenge - Part 0

Who : Phil
Where : Between Realties
When: After his last death
Picture the scene..a darkened room, infinalty big, yet with a floor of sand and
enough light to see what the smeg was going on. Apart from that, boring as heck.
"Welcome back...again...i'm getting used to seeing YOU here..."
This was simply described as a disembodied voice.
Phil had no idea where he he did what he thought best in this
"Soiling yourself would NOT be a good idea right now!...besides you techincally
havent got a bottom to do it with" intoned the voice.
"So where am I..What am I? who are you?"
"Well matery, you are in the realm between realms. I'm in case you hadnt figured
it out Death..", said Death coming into view by phasing in
This did not have the expected response.
"I'M SORRY! SAID WHO ARE YOU!" shouted Spirit Phil
"Shut it you twat..I'm nt reall Deaf..I mean Death..I'm simply not sure what to
do with you.. You're dead...but you not from here so that means i techincally
have no claim on you meaning as long as you say in this reality i can get
you...bugger...shouldn't have said that..."
"I'm immortal?" Phil started to do the happy dance and thurst his hips in
Death's general direction.
Death, being used to weirder things is his time let this carry on. When Phil
started to do the Time-Warp however he stopeed him by smacking Phil with his
"You my techincally be now imortal and able to regnerate any
wound...bugger..done it again...but you DO feel pain..."
To demosntrate this, Death kicked him hard in the testicles...VERY hard!
<high pitched> "Arse-hole!"
Death helped Phil up. "Look pal, there are rules even I have to follow..and one
of them is if someone does the time wapr in front of me i have to twat them with
me sycthe then kick them in the soft bits...another rule is to other special
souls like you a can either either on to your seletced deity of
choice [indicates the 3fgures in the distance One resembles Odin, the other
Anubis and the 3rd a lare squid like creature with tentcles in his mouth]
And Phil didnt like the sounds of those 3 dots.
"Or you can face the 3 challenges to go back to your life."
Phil glanced over at the 3 other beings and quickly made his choice.
"I choose the challenges!"
"Oh good..Challenge one must deal with those you left behind...your
"Arse it" Phil was not looking to having Seymour invade his after/between life.
"Challeng two : You must play a game with me.."
"ok dokey...whats the third?"
"You must confront your greatest fear"
the small pathetic sound ws of Phil soiling his spectral undies
"Right...onto...Sweet Zombie jeesus that stinks! WTF did you eat last?....If i
had eyes they would be melting by now....stand downwind...holly smeg i think i'm
going to be sick that was so nasty...onto the first *gahg* challenge...your crew
and family"
OOC : right-o peeps feel free to have some phil with Phil's latest visit to the
nether realms..of course Phil's gotta win, but make it NASTY for him

< Prev : ***ACTION!*** Slug Invasion. Gardeners Beware Next > : Seymour - "The Captain's Quarters"