Re: One By One...

Who: Efof, Rosette, the Inspector, Captain Chrysler
Where: Red Dwarf
When: After one was killed...
"Rosette! I found a gun." he called, and passed it over.
"Smeg. we're down one already. There's something in the wheat." she said,
hoping it wouldn't be able to pick anyone else off...
Efof proceeded with caution, but was suddenly aware of a presence next to him.
He looked up, momentarily startled to see the miserable face of the Inspector
next to him.
"And don't think I'm not watching you either." The grumpy man said. "You're an
alien whose been placed in a position of some responsibility on the Blue Dwarf.
Nobody's sure where your allegiances lie."
"Wot?" Said Efof. "What's an allegiance?"
"You could be a threat to this crew." The Inspector restated. "What's your
"Half an hour every morning on Wii fit." Efof said happily. "But I'm real good
at the tennis."
The inspector wrote something down on his clipboard.
"Did I say something wrong?" Efof asked. Then something shiny caught his
attention. "Ooh!"
He rushed over to the large object and found it was a tractor. He quickly got
into the cab and started it up with a loud roar.
"Mister Yuwan'Kar please, that could be extremely risky." Said the inspector,
"The aliens could have placed a bomb inside."
Efof pressed on the accelerator and it started to move. The big wheels bashed
down the irradiated wheat.
"Mister Yuwan'Kar, the noise might attract the attention of the-" The inspector
shouted, but Efof couldn't hear over the sound of the engine. He stopped next to
Rosette and the Captain.
"Get in the trailor!" He said. They climbed in the metal trailor and Efof pulled
them across the field to the xpress-lift elevator entrance on the other side.
"This is weird." Said Efof. "I never thought I'd be driving a tractor on the Red
"Stop, Efof, stop!" Called Rosette, and the slow moving tractor trundled to a
Rosette jumped out and looked at a footprint in the soil. It was long and thin,
more than three times as long as a person's foot.
"This is recent. It must have been made by the intruders." Rosette said.
"Damn, I hate clowns." Said Efof, looking at the shape.
"It probably isn't clowns!" Said Rosette. "Look, there's two close together, and
the next set are a few meters away. These creatures are bouncing on their feet."
"Kangaroos!" Said Efof.
"Yeah maybe." Said Rosette.
"No. KANGAROOS!" Efof said, yelling and pointing in a direction. Several huge
kangaroos were bounding towards them brandishing weapons and firing.
"Quick, get behind the trailer!" Rosette ordered and they used the metal trailer
as protection from the gunfire.
Efof dived into the trailer and peered out over the top.
"Can you tell us more about them?" Rosette shouted up to him.
"They're not just normal Kangaroos. Efof said. "They're genetically engineered,
they're half kangaroos, half..."
<OOC – I thought I would leave this up to the next person. What are these
Kangaroos genetically crossed with? Whoever posts next can decide! You can
describe their physical appearance however you want. Maybe come up with an
agenda for them being on the Red Dwarf too. >

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