Dead Com

Where: Medibay and other areas.
When: As Davie
was on the intercom
Who: Davie
Jones and others
my theory. Make sense?"
Davie waited
for a reply, and listened carefully to crackling of the intercom speaker.
            The speaker just crackled for a long
time. It seemed like an eternity to Davie
as he waited for a reply. Suddenly the entire intercom exploded into a hail
storm plastic and sparks. Smeg… Davie thought, realizing
then that no one but the people in the medibay heard what he had said. The
system shorted out after the person on the other end patched him into the drive
room speaker.
            Davie thought for a moment, and then began to
walk towards the exit. His limbs still heavy and weak from blood loss, he moved
as best he could, half staggering towards the lift. I have to get to drive room…he thought, pressing onwards. He
reached the lift and pressed the call button. Nothing. He pressed it again.
Still nothing. "Smeg!!" he said aloud in frustration. He left, then right, only
to see nothing in the darkness around the lift.
            As his heartbeat began to rise, the
vision in his left eye, less disorienting now, changed, and he saw a soft
orange glow on the wall near the floor, surrounded by a dark blue. He reached
down towards it and felt the air around his hand warm slightly. As he looked
closer at the wall he noticed it was an air vent grate, and quickly wrenched it
free, tossing it aside. He crawled inside the vent, looking for a ladder that
would let him get another deck. As he crawled he felt a surge of energy and his
strength returned, at least for the moment.
            He worked his way slowly through the
vent, feeling around in the darkness. As his eyes adjusted to the dark, his
left eye began to see better than his right. `Maybe it's a good thing.'  thought
remembering the Dr.'s optimistic comment. He looked up and saw, there, at the
end of the vent, was a ladder.
            He quickened his pace towards the
ladder, when the vent grate he was crawling over gave way. He fell through the ceiling
onto the ground, sprawled on all fours. He stood up and looked at the wall. On
it was painted "Medibay, one level up."
            Davie took off on a quick jog down the
corridor to find another elevator.
mind that tag Captain. Sorry. Didn't want to alter the universe to much.>

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