Jay Chrysler's Legacy

Detonation T-minus 10 minutes

"Come on, we've got 10 minutes to get out of here!" Efof said, as the part Hymenoptera Starbug landed. The assault team had all scattered, and were on their way back to the ships they'd arrived with. The Hymenoptera Warriors knew something was up, and launched themselves at the humans in a suicide charge that ultimately ended up in disaster for themselves. Alcohol filled flamethrowers and machineguns ripped through them all, showering them with slime and pieces of carapace.

"Well, there's no point leaving it here unarmed.." Rosette said as she hit the activate button on her nuclear device. She set her own timer for 10 minutes, so even if Jay's failed to go off, hers would detonate, and take all the others with them. It would be a spectacular domino effect regardless which one set it off.

"He'd have wanted to go out like this..." Rosette told herself. She knew the mission would be the end of some of her co workers. Everyone knew that Jay had lost everything because of the Hymenoptera, and it was only fitting that he lost himself to be rid of them forever.

Charging towards the transports to get them to safety, everything went black...

Detonation T-minus 0 minutes

A short while afterwards, the nuclear bombs detonated, starting with the centre of the hive where Jay had activated it himself. All of the others ripped the planets surface apart in a chain across miles, scattering irradiated debris everywhere. As the Queen of the Hymenoptera breathed her final breath, every other bug in the universe suddenly stopped moving. Undercover agents collapsed as if they were nothing but dolls, and warrior bugs fighting to conquer another world flapped to the ground as the oppressed cheered and burnt the bodies.

From the safety of the Blue Dwarf, the entire crew watched from the viewports as the spectacular fireworks display meant the end to the greatest threat the civilised galaxy had ever seen. Little did Rosette know that the one person who had caused her life to change so drastically as to be on the Blue Dwarf now had fought by her side for over a year, and died valiantly to save Jay and bring about the end of this race of insectoid vermin.

What was probably the most spectacular part of everything was that as soon as the nukes went off, even "people" back on Earth were affected.

"And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the newest creation of the JMC - an enhanced version of the Starbug!" Yelled Willy Eckerslike as he unveiled a new creation. Instead of the Starbeetle prototype looking spectacular and shiny, it was dull, and dead.

"What's going on? I don't under-" he began, but was cut off as his own link to the hive-mine ended. The Head of the JMC was no more.

Detonation T-plus 24 hours

"Breaking news! The Head of the JMC - Willy Eckerslike - has collapsed at an unveiling of a new ship for his fleet! He was pronounced dead at the scene. His Autopsy, only two days later, revealed him to be a Hymenoptera creation. Our Correspondent at the conference has more."

The Tv blipped off as Rosette shifted herself out of bed. A sling on one arm holding it in place was her reminder of the battle that had taken place. A broken collarbone was the only cost she'd personally had to pay. The ship was currently Captain-less, and drifting slowly with the remnants of the Space Corps fleet that had joined them to destroy the Hymenoptera.

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