The Unknown Soldier

Where: Space in-between BD and the Hymie home world
Who: Davie,
Justine and Amber
When: a few minuets before Jay detonated himself.
            Davie swung his ship one
hundred and eighty degrees to avoid a series of missiles that had just been
fired from two Hymenoptera fighters on his tail. The missiles sailed past him
as he squeezed the trigger, cutting the Hymie fighters out of space. As he came
back around he saw the strange Star Bug he had seen earlier heading towards a
Vespidae class fighter. Davie
looked at the Vespidae and saw it tearing through a Hymenoptera defense
platform. The Vespidae's hull was a different color that that of the others.
Blue, not green.
The Star Bug registered on his
readouts as alive. So did the Vespidae. And both registered human signatures on
board. Suddenly the ship that seemed like a Star Bug in appearance opened fire
on the Vespidae. Davie
had a gut feeling that he should get into the fight, but there was a difference
between the two fighters; he'd recognized the Vespidae. Davie turned his ship
towards the clash when to his right there came a group of a dozen Hymenoptera
spider looking craft sped out of no where firing at him, and at the Vespidae
fighter he was flying towards. He turned to face them, and fired all but one of
the remainder of his missiles at the fighters, taking down five.
He squeezed the trigger as several
plasma bolts slammed into his hull, jostling him from side to side. His shots
met their marks, taking down three more Hymie fighters. He turned back to the
battle between the Star Bug and Vespidae, only to be hit in the port missile
bank by a stray shot from the Star Bug. Lucky for him he only had one missile
left. Sparks
flew up into his face blinding him as his ship tumbled out of control.
He grasped the controls tightly and
swung his ship around towards Blue Dwarf. Five of the renegade Space Corp.
Marine fighter craft surrounded him, flying above, behind, below, and to the
sides of Davies burning ship. "Listen to your smegging Captain!" Davie said aloud. They began
firing wildly at him. Davie
noticed that they weren't trying to hit him though. They were playing with him.
No doubt they would blast him out of the sky long before he reached Blue Dwarf.
            He looked
around his consoles desperately. If only he had some more missiles. Then he
remembered the button on the wall that he didn't recognize. He pressed it and
to him nothing happened. Smeg…he
thought didn't think that would work.
Over the radio he heard the SC Marines shouting to each other. "Where the smeg
did he go?!" said one of the pilots, "I don't know, he disappeared!"
up and find the smegger!"
            The ships
flew off away from Davie,
who was extremely puzzled. He looked at his flight consol and saw words
scrolling across the screen; CLOAKING –
ON. Davie
smiled, pleasantly surprised as he sped towards an open flight deck door. He
cut his engines and cloaking device, and came barreling in above some Space
Eagle fighters leaving the flight deck. He came down hard on the metal floor,
his ship scrapping and churning up sparks as he slid loudly across the flight
deck floor. He smashed into the far wall, tossing his ship up a few feet before
it crashed heavily to the ground.
incessant, panicky beeping began from the control consol as a red emergency
warning light came on. He pressed the open button on the canopy, and leapt from
the cockpit. He tumbled to the ground, realizing the he had a large piece of
shrapnel embedded deep in his left leg halfway up his thigh on the outside. He
limped/ran towards the Flight Deck door in case his ship blew. He opened the
door and stepped through, closing it quickly. Nothing. Still nothing. The ship
wouldn't blow. He pulled some gauze and bandages from his butt pack, and pulled
the shrapnel from his leg. Blood immediately started pouring from the wound,
and he quickly bandaged it. He stood up after a few moments and jogged off for
one of the turrets.
                                                            *          *          *
Davie stopped at an empty turret, two levels
above the flight deck. He jumped inside and began firing. He turned towards the
planet. Its surface erupted into a blinding radioactive fire ball, burning with
the intensity of a small sun. Hymenoptera fighters stopped moving dead in their
tracks. Hymie defense platforms stopped firing and went dead. The planet burned
blindingly, all that Davie
could make out was the small shapes of fighters silhouetted against the bright
fire ball. The light died down to reveal that the entire surface of the planet
was on fire.
The renegade SC Marines were the
first to snap out of the shock. They began picking their targets and firing.
The entire battle erupted all over again. This time the Dwarfers stood a better
chance without having to worry about Hymies and renegade Marines. Davie chose a target, and
<OOC – the renegade Marines are the ones who chose to
listen to the SC instead of their Cptn.>
The Doors
"…Unborn living, living, dead
Bullet strikes the helmet's head
And it's all over
For the unknown soldier
It's all over
For the unknown soldier…"
"…Make a grave for the unknown soldier
Nestled in your hollow shoulder
The unknown soldier…"
"…Bullet strikes the helmet's head
And, it's all over
The war is over
It's all over
The war is over
Well, all over, baby
All over, baby
Oh, over, yeah
All over, baby
Wooooo, hah-hah
All over
All over, baby
Oh, woa-yeah
All over
All over
I put that in there to commemorate the Captain. Sounds
better here .

< Prev : SPYD HER a good shot Next > : Jay's Funeral