Panicked Pancake pressing buttons

Holly looked at the stasis status readout. "Nope." said Holly calmly. "He got out when the power failed didn't he?" said Justin.
"Just more smeg for us to deal withÂ…"
<end snip>
Who: Justin and Davie
Where: The Alternate Blue Dwarf
When: After the Simulant gets loose
Justin's fingers flew over the keyboard in front of him. Okay, I've sent half the Zombies to get into the Starbugs like you asked, and the other half to go find the Simulant.
Davie nodded, then reached for his shotgun.
"What are you doing?" Justin asked. "Zombies aren't enough, this guy's tough. It's time for round two!" He loaded the gun and started to leave the Drive Room.
"Wait!" said Justin, staring at the computer. "Something's wrong, I've lost control of the Zombies again."
The computer screen turned off, and was replaced by the face of the Simulant, who was laughing maniacally. "Thank you for sending my Zombies to the Flight deck." His voice boomed. "They're now dismantling your shuttles so that there's no escape for you."
Justin and Davie looked at each other. "What does he mean no escape?"
"Check what else he's done." Davie said, and Justin checked the ship's logs.
"Oh bollocks." Said Justin. "Buggery, buggery, smegging bollocks."
"He's set a collision course with the planet, and I can't overwrite his orders." He bashed the keyboard some more but nothing happened. "Smeg!"
"Follow me." Said Davie.
"What, to the flight deck? You heard him, that's where all the zombies are, and they're dismantling all the shuttles!"
"There might be in luck." Said Davie.
"We'd better be quick. We'll hit the planet's surface in 5 minutes, and I don't want to be onboard when we do!"
<tag Davie! Sorry it's so short but I had this idea, email me if you want to discuss but I'm sure you'll think of something!">

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