Problems, problems...

Who: Barry
Where: Castillo's apartment
When: Not long after he got a good kicking
"Smegging hell... What happened here!?"
"Hnnhh Hnnnh"
"What's all this blood...? Oh. Right."
Out of the corner of his remaining eye, Barry watched as a pair of black killer heels clicked their way across the floor towards him; their crouching down in front of him, affording an almost shameful view of a pair of slim legs encased in tight leather trousers
In other situations he would probably have been pathetically grateful for this kind of opportunity, but right now, he just wasn't in the mood
"Did you have a little accident Barry?"
"Hhnhnnngh h hrrrr" he tried
It was hard to speak properly when your mouth was jammed tightly between the doorframe and floor
"Open...? Oh, yes... Allow me"
The bathroom door hissed open, allowing Barry to heave himself up off the floor, coming face to face with Cassandra as he got to his knees
He gazed silently into her cold green eyes for a couple of seconds
"You look a real smegging mess" she smirked
"Smeg you" Barry managed, getting to his feet to retreat into the bathroom and inspect the damage Davie had wrought upon him
Cassandra in turn got to her feet, pulled a wrinkled pack of Gauloise out of a back pocket and looked appraisingly around the room, taking in the bullet holes, the missing wine, and what looked to be at least a good pint or so of Barry's blood spattered everywhere
"Fifi isn't going to be happy, you know..." she called through to Barry
"God in smegging hell" Barry shouted in anguish at his ragged reflection in the bathroom mirror "That piece of smegging smeg's taken my smegging eye out"
"She's going to go ballistic when she finds out that someone took all that wine"
"I'm going to smegging kill that piece of smeg for this!" Barry yelled, smashing a fist into the mirror
Cassandra sparked one of her Gauloise up, exhaling a cloud of smoke
"Oh, calm down and cheer yourself up Baz; either Keto'll rub a bit of ointment on it, or I'll build you something better"
Barry emerged again from the bathroom to favour her with a black look
"I think I'll take my chances with Keto" he snapped
"Huh. Your choice sweetie" Cass blew another cloud of smoke into the air "I've big plans for a guy like you if you change your mind..."
"Tell you what" she continued "Why don't you get your arse out of here, and I'll smooth things over with Fifi?"
Barry didn't need telling twice and bolted for the door without another word, shooting Cassandra a grateful look on the way out
"You owe me..." she called, as the door hissed closed
Smiling, Cassandra pulled her handheld terminal out and strolled across the room towards the main monitor
The monitor flickered to life and started cycling through a few precautionary diagnostics at Cassandra's behest before she finally dived deep down into the Slave network when she was happy things were as they should be
She had made a few changes to the system these last few weeks and had burrowed even deeper into the Dwarf's various subsystems, but the Slave still fulfilled its core duties with admirable efficiency, so as such, establishing what had gone on here was a simple enough proposition
Castillo walked in on her some ten or so minutes later while she was replaying the footage of Davie gouging Barry's eye out
"What in ze name of 'ell 'as been goin' on in ere?"
Cassandra glanced over her shoulder; Castillo didn't look happy
"Hiya sweetie" she smiled "Just look at this guy go!"
Castillo moved in behind Cassandra, and wrapping her arms around her, gave her a couple of pecks on the cheek while watching the monitor over her shoulder
"Ah'm not 'appy mon amie" she muttered once the sequence had finished "Niples and dat udder guy – Ah'm gonna make 'em pay for zis!"
Cassandra twisted in her embrace, turning to gaze into Fifi's pale blue eyes
"Don't worry sweetie" she said, planting a kiss on her lips "I'll fix this"
They kissed again
"I know not only where they're hiding out, but also what they've got planned"
Castillo chuckled, pulling Cassandra in even closer
"And what is eet zat zey ave planned?"
"They were going to spring Rufus; you know: the irritating GELF that used to be in the science department?"
Castillo raised her eyebrows
"Bon. An' what 'ave you done about eet?"
"Transferred him and stationed an ambush squad of Scythers on level thirteen"
Castillo laughed, and moved in close to kiss her
"You're wonderful Ms. Jones..."
Who: Justin Pancake and Rufus
Where: Deck 13
When: at the same time
A group of heavily armed guards burst into the interrogation room making Justin jump in surprise
"Aaaargh!" Rufus screamed, tears welling in his eyes
"Oh, bugger..." Justin started, realising that he had just cut Rufus's little finger off by accident
" c-c-c-could y-y-y..."
Getting bored of waiting for Rufus to finish Justin decided to try and look macho in front of the guards
"Oh shut up" he spat "You've got nine digits left, and then I start on other, softer bits of you!"
The guard captain smiled at this
"Glad to see you're enjoying your work Mr. Pancake, although I'm afraid we're going to have to interrupt you; we've orders to move this prisoner immediately! Rebel scum will soon be here, and we really do not want to be in the area when this squad of Scythers activate; the place will be like a charnel house!"
Justin beamed – he'd just been called "Mr. Pancake"; if he'd known that all he had to do was torture people for a little respect, he'd have started years ago!
<tag Justin – will you go along with the guards and move Rufus to a more secure, secret location where you can carry on hacking pieces off him in peace?>
<tag people – What are Scythers? And what are you going to do now Castillo seems to know your every move? Should make life interesting ;)>

< Prev : "Rabbit to the Hound" & "War is hell" Next > : "And me without my Howitzer!"