Court Marshal followed by immediate cessation of choclate rations.

Again Andy, congratulations!...Who: Davie When: A few minuets after the escapeWhere: Promenade<Snip>He
grabbed his shot gun off the floor, and his left leg dangled through the hole. Seymour looked at him with an expression that was a mixture of
shaky surprise and disbelief. Davie looked back. "What?" he said.<End Snip>     "Nothing," said Seymour, "it's just you made Scythers sound a good lot tougher than that."    "You make it sound like that was easy. It wasn't."    
Davie lifted his leg up through the hole and stood, replacing his shot gun in it's thigh holster. "My plan is we should split up." Davie began as he pressed the the button to take them to the Promenade, "You, Ambassador, should get back to HQ, and blow this thing off as no big deal."    "No big deal!? We were ambushed!"   
"I know, but if there is a spy in the resistance then we want to draw them out. Just tell everyone at HQ that we ran into a patrol and that we
never even got the mission underway. That should buy us some time, at least. Make no mention of an ambush."   
"I think I have a better idea," said Seymour, "I think we should tell everyone that we ran into a patrol and make no mention of an ambush of an ambush in an attempt to draw out the spy, if there is one."   
"I just--never mind, yeah, you do that. Brilliant plan. I'm going to hang around the promenade for a while, try to pick up some information."   
The lift drew nearer to it's destination. "Don't go right to HQ in case
you're being tailed. Take the long way around. Oh, and when you get there, use a sci-scan to look for bugs. Discretely."    "I hope you're not forgetting I'm in command" "Not at all," said Davie, wishing to avoid an argument, "I was merely making a suggestion. Will take me up on it?"
"Of course."
    "Good luck," said Davie as the lift reached it's destination, "I'll try to be back soon."   
The lift pinged and Davie stepped out, leaving Seymour to carry out his
task. He ducked behind a kiosk selling it's wares near the lift and began to remove his armor. He stepped around it and bought a duffel bag and a change of clothes from the owner. He then stuffed his exoskeleton and all of his weapons, save for a pistol with extra ammo and his combat
knife that he covered with a button shirt, into the duffel bag. He changed and threw his old uniform in the bag as well.    
Davie blended with ease into the crowd. Or at least with as much ease as can be expected with a half scared face and a broken nose. His stomach rumbled, and wondered when the last time he ate was. He stopped next to a cafe and ordered a large coffee and a large plate of eggs covered in enough grease to give a Star Bug a lube job. He then stopped by Parrots Bar to see what information he could eves drop from the relaxing crew. He picked up a few tidbits, but nothing to constitute any
major information. As Davie sat in a darkened corner, sipping a cranberry juice, watching the crown and trying to gather some information, a tall, slender man with hood over his head so that you couldn't see his face, or any of his body for that matter, walked in through the door. He seemed to float through the room, as Davie couldn't
see his legs moving beneath his cloak. The man turned and started towards Davie, who tensed and moved his hand below the table to finger the pistol tucked beneath his shirt.    
The drew closer and Davie could see a faint glow coming from beneath his hood. The man sat at Davie's table and he could clearly see the man's face. It was Harvey. the cloak rested solely on his floating peewee body to make his look human. As Harvey stared out of the hood at Davie he smiled from his screen. "Right dude, what's going down in groove town then?" "Harv! Good to see you mate! have you any info for me?"
"As a matter of fact I do. I know who sold your plans off to the Captain."
"Great! Who was it?"
"An exotic dancer named Cassandra Jones."
"A dancer? How did she get them?"
you've got me there. Like I said before, there's either a rat, or you're head quarters is bugged. Both are a very high possibility."
Davie thought for a moment, looking at his glass of juice. "What about Rufus, the guy we tried to spring from prison?"
"I'm working on finding him at the moment."
"Good keep working on it. In the mean time the rest of us have to try to find this smegging leak."
Harvey looked to both sides. "I'll tell you soon as I have more info for you."
"Right, Harv. Good luck, and thanks!"
"Well, you know...what can I say?"
with that, Harvey `stood' and walked out of the bar. After a  few more minuets of thinking and listening to the crowd, Davie dropped some money
on the table, grabbed his bag and stood. As he neared the door a squad of armed security personnel in black WWII German style uniforms walked through the door. He spun on his heel and walked in the other direction,
only to find another heavily armed squad walking in through the other entrance. Smeg. Davie
could feel his heart begin to race as he rested his hand in his pocket near his gun. He pulled the hood of his sweat shirt over his head, and tried to move around them, but that would've been impossible because of their numbers. He saw one of them hold up holo picture to the bartender,
and then subsequently the bartender pointed at him. Oh, shit! Give me break! The lead officer turned towards him and raised his gun. "Don't move or I'll shoot!"
Davie heard the bolts and slides of every weapon in the room move, and under the circumstances, took his hand slowly away from his pistol. He quickly weighed his options, and an attempt at escape was far from a possibility. He'd be cut down by gun fire before he got out the door. "Put down the bag and put your hands above your head!!"
Davie dropped the bag to the floor with a thud and raised his hands above his head. He growled through his teeth in anger as one of JMC Nazi's relieved him of his pistol and combat knife, putting them with his bag. "Good work Lieutenant!" said a large Scyther commander as he stepped through the crowd to face Davie. Well now I'm sure escape is pretty much impossible. "So, you're Davie Jones." said the Scyther, "I expected you to be a little bit more of a challenge...and a little taller."
Davie remained silent and glared at him. "Well, Jones, the Captain would like a word with you."
At that moment a rifle but swung down into the back of Davie's head, knocking  him
out cold. *    *    *
    Who: Davie    Where: an interrogation room    When: After Davie woke up   
Davie's head pounded as he sat in the hard metal chair. What surprised him most was that his hands weren't tied. Either they neglected to tie them, or just weren't that worried about an escape attempt. The room was
dark, and it took a few minuets for Davie's vision to adjust. The only light came from the bright lamp hanging above the table.  The door opened loudly, and he heard two pairs of foot steps, one of them the distinctive click click
of stiletto heels. Because of this Davie was extremely puzzled when the
first face he saw walk through the doors was that of a man built like a
brick chicken house. The man carried Davie's duffel bag in one of his massive arms, and stepped to the side to allow the captain to enter. "I didn't think I was so important!" Davie said, smiling slightly and leaning into his chair so that he could cross one leg over the other and
rest his head in one hand on the chair's arm.   
They were wearing black uniforms, decorated with silver ornaments. The JMC logo was emblazoned on a red armband on the right arm, and their polished brown leather holsters and gun belts softly reflected light. The captain rummaged through his bag and pulled out his combat knife with the engraving of a moon and star on the blade. She turned it over in her hands, then set it down on the table. "Jones, I want you to cooperate, zat way zis will be ten timez easier for us all. What do you know about the resistance?"   
Davie looked at the table, then at her. "Brûler en enfer, vous chienne stupide français! You're not getting anything from me!"       
Fifi nodded to the muscular man to her right, and punched Davie hard across the face twice. "Now Jones, if ave to ask you again you lose a finger." she said, holding his knife in a way that let it glint in the light. "Alright," Davie said, "there's a plan to destroy your cabin using Incinerex. I know where it's being kept." She smiled crookedly at her interrogation victory. "Where?""Close."
"Ow close?
Davie looked at her for a moment. "I your ass..."
smile disappeared from her face, and Davie chuckled before being hit again in the face. "You're a fool, Jones, if you sink that humor is going to get you anywhere."
That gave Davie an idea. "And you're part...eggplant."
Castillo looked at him oddly. "Zis is your last warning. If you don't answer, you lose your fingers one by one."
Davie jumped up from his chair, away from the table and began to dance. "I've been to
I've been to Pluto! I can name ninety men who've slept with Castillo!" Fifi's eyes went wide with surprise as Davie clapped a tune along with his words. "The service droids!" he shouted, "The engineering crew! The north London Mafia!"    
She nodded the big man by the door and he started towards Davie. "Get back!" said Davie, mimicking a gun with his fingers and jabbing it up under his own neck, "Get back or the white boy gets it!" The
big man hesitated and stepped back."Oh no!" shouted Davie, changing his
character to the victim, "Help me! Please help me! Ple--" he dropped his hand to his side, "Oh God you people are so dumb!"
"What are you waiting for?" the captain yelled to her large companion, "Get him!"
man started for Davie again, and Davie moved towards him faster, dropping to his knees. "Oh I'm sorry!" he shouted, putting on an exaggerated sadness, "I've been a bad Nazi! Please! Please! I give up my
chocolate rations!"
The man looked uneasily at the Castillo as Davie clawed at his pant-legs, and she cast him
equally wide eyed look. Davie stood and continued to claw at his clothes. "Please!" he pleaded, "I'll even give you my stash of rock candy!"    
As the man tried to wriggle out of Davie grip, Davie inched his left hand for the man's leather holster. He snatched the gun from it, shoving
the barrel under the big man's chin and pulling the trigger. He died almost instantly, and Davie shoved his body towards the captain. It crashed down on top of her, pinning her to the floor. The two guards standing outside bust into the room and Davie let lose the rest of the clip into them. He quickly threw his knife into the duffel bag, zipped it closed, and slug it over his shoulder. Davie leaned down to face the captain. "Well captain," he said, "I must take my leave of you. I'd give
you a kiss, but I'm afraid I might catch a nasty disease."     The Captain grunted and tried to struggle out from under the big man's body. "Jones you're a disgrace to ze JMC!"     "Then I'm afraid I'll just have to challenge you to a duel!"     Davie started for the door. "Jones you are a Bastard!"     "And you're a cantaloupe!"    
Davie left the room and quickly ran for the lift. He wasn't on the prison deck, and figured that would mean that some of the prisoners still had guns, and that it was too dangerous for the captain to be present. He stopped in front of the elevator and called it down. When the doors opened he was met by a surprised looking Lieutenant. Davie punched the Lieutenant hard in the face and knocked him out. He changed into his uniform and stashed him on the top of the elevator. Davie walked out, heading for resistance HQ. Obviously weary of what he might find, and undoubtedly dangerous, he was hoping to discover the spy, and find out what had become of Rosette and Amber, and what they should do next. First though he felt he should stop by the medibay. He was hurt and needed some attention. Even though that's where all of the wounded from the prison raid would be, he figured that the Medibay was large enough for him to avoid any JMC entanglements.    
medibay! Can you help me out here? I have a cracked rib, and a broken nose, at least. And you wouldn't to have any of ointment 19 laying around, would you?><OOC - I know I've said it three times now, but I can't quite get over it; Congrats, Cap.!>

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