Brittany: Pleasantries

"I need anyone who gives a damn, and all department heads in the conference room now. That includes you Pancake." She barked.
"Rufus, you should have come to me sooner, however, I'll let it slide. Rosette's the one you need to worry about." She hugged her brother and then marched over to the conference room, waiting for the others to arrive.
Brittany necked a few more broad-spectrum painkillers for her hangover and quickly completed her morning ablutions before donning a smart white suit and, escorted by a couple of her bodyguards, she hurried over towards the drive room
Breezing into the conference chamber after exchanging idle pleasantries with a few of the other meeting attendees who were milling around outside, she seated herself opposite the Captain as the others began drifting in
"Good morning Amber... Captain" she corrected herself, flashing a brief but brilliant smile
"I think I should clear the air somewhat" she continued, languidly reclining back into her chair "Would you be so gracious as to allow me to apologise for that earlier little bit of unpleasantness? Harsh words spoken in haste, and all that?"
Amber made a non-committal sort of noise and regarded Brittany evenly from across the table
"Now, I'm sure you'll concede" Brittany continued "that I was correct in my assertion that we weren't in possession of all the facts (Which is what I suspect is what this little gathering is about); but I was trying to prevent another unnecessary death, and I'm afraid I may have spoken out of term. Jones is ...useful to have around, and I would have hated to have seen her killed in cold blood on account of her being somewhat abrasive with your chief of security"
"Oh, Rufus!?" she trilled, appearing to notice the man sat next to Amber for the first time "What a pleasant surprise! I'm thrilled to see that the reports of your death have been greatly exaggerated. You'll have to tell me how you managed to cheat the reaper some time - I'm sure it'll make for a fascinating tale!"
"W-w-w-well..." Rufus began
"Perhaps another time though, eh?" Brittany smiled helpfully, glancing back at Amber "I suspect your sister would like to address the matter in hand; although there was one more thing..."
She turned her attention back to Amber
"I'm afraid I may have to lodge an official complaint with regard to the actions and conduct of one the members of your security staff - Oh, good gracious; here he comes now..."
The two bodyguards standing behind Brittany shifted their stances slightly as Davie Jones strolled into the meeting room, replete with his battle armour and arsenal of weaponry
"Wow" Brittany smirked "Talk about inappropriately dressed"
"Mr. Jones here" she continued "broke into my suite and terrorised one of my staff. In the first place, I should like to know under whose authority he was acting? Secondly, I'd like to know how he managed to gain access to my apartments, and finally I'd just love to hear why he thinks it appropriate to be dressed for a planetary assault at a strategy meeting?"
<tag>Amber, Davie</tag>
If you guys fancy a joint post just get in touch, although if you'd rather gloss over it and crack on with the meeting then feel free Amber - You can always give Davie eight weeks ship painting duty later on ;)

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