Thinking about later

OOC-You might get this one twice. Little trouble with the email
Dirk Bell was still walking around the ship humming his own version of the Shaft
theme with a smile on his face and a hot cup of coffee in his hand. He walked
to an observational deck and looked out into space. He could sees the tiny bits
and pieces of the pimpbot being pulled down to Argus Prime with the bits of the
asteriod. "Re-entry's a bitch." Dirk suddenly remembered. "The drone is still
on the planet." He needed to get it out of the path of the debris. If there
were still gelfs hiding on the planet, the drone would be needed to find them.
Even if there weren't, the drone could still be used to asses damage done by the
asteriod and help in any relief actions that the BD might take.
He entered the lab again and produced a remote for the drone. It was a good
thing that he always built a spare. He used the remote to find the drone's
current location. Luckily, it was outside the blast radius of the explosion of
the base. Next, Dirk used his computer to simulate the entry points of the
debris. "Smeg! Those things are going to hit almost all around the planet."
He had found a section of one of the planet's oceans that, as calculated, was
not going to receive any of the burning rocks.
Dirk interfaced his remote with the computer. It would allow for a more
accurate relocation of the drone. As he was sending the instructions to the
drone, his screen was filled with a weird picture. A tall man wearing a weird
coat and long multicolored scarf stood in front of a tall blue box. His hair
was bushy like a brillo pad and his smile filled with teeth. "Would you like a
jellybaby?" the man asked just before the screen returned to its normal
He thought for a moment on what it might have been before it dawned on him.
"Television. TV signals from the dawn of the broadcast age have been bouncing
around the universe. The drone must be sending and receiving on a frequency
close to television broadcasts. I'll have to remember that." Dirk pushed the
enter button and the drone begane to move. "I just hope it makes it."
OCC- kudos for anyone who guesses the show. it's pretty obviouse, though
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