OOC - Artemis


I don't have an issue with people creating their own sub plots, bit you've not been here long and you've almost exclusively worked separate from the rest of the group. Alex tried to give you an 'in' with his post tag bit I got them impression from your response that you felt the main plot was less important than your own but you'll join 'if you have to'.

That may not be how you intended it, but it's how it appeared to me.

I have to ask if you're here to work with others, or to fuel your own agenda?

I hope I've misunderstood, but it seems people are trying to include you and you don't seem particularly bothered by what the rest of us are doing. We're all about collaborative story telling here. Run your own subplot by all means but I have to ask you make an effort to work with others on the main plotlines too.

Andy / Jay - moderator

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