Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Thinking about later

>A tall man wearing a weird
>coat and long multicolored scarf stood in front of a tall blue box. His
>was bushy like a brillo pad and his smile filled with teeth. "Would you
like a
>jellybaby?" he asked just before the screen returned to its normal
Doctor Who, specifically Sylvester McCoy, I think. (Hah, I'm not even
British and I don't even LIKE the show all that much!)
Red: "Welcome to the antique roadkill portion of the show we call --"
Mike: "Yeah yeah can you go ahead and appraise this, I've got to meet
with my parole officer in 15 minutes!"
Red: "Okay, let me take a look at this... Mike, that's JUNK."
Dalton: "Not to mention, it's MY junk!"
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