Sweet Ride

“Cahm onnn!” Yelled Marylou Marzipan, AKA M & M, as she jumped up and down in impatient excitement, the movement causing her dark ponytail to flop about. “Get that one…” She insisted. “THAT ONE!”

“Stop cryin’, I’m TRYIN’!”
In kiddy form, Alex was finding that some of his adult issues were slipping away, including his reluctance to use guns, or things which resembled them.
He was currently enjoying firing at a selection of candy targets in order to choose the ingredients for his kart.
He half-smiled, pleased to be sorta combining two of his favourite things: Food and mechanics. It was especially fun as the ammo was made out of sweeties. Every now and then he’d shove some in his mouth.
“Greedy.” ‘Em’ told him. “You’ll get belly ache...”
Little Solvay rolled his eyes. “Don’t be lame. It’s only a game.”
“Well… Don’t say I didn’t warn you when your tummy hurts later.”

He popped a Gummy Bear in his mouth, shook his head not believing her, and went back to designing his sweet ride. He shot down some Jammie Dodgers. “Wahooo!” He yelped, and high fived a passing mini-Plisk, apparently non-self-consciously. That felt good.

As in adulthood, Alex had generally been quite reserved as a child, the quiet watchful one compared to brainy, cheeky Jacob, but he had his moments, and the novelty of being a kid again – and the virtual candy - was making him almost as high as he felt when he took Shadow Pops (so named because they were a ‘dark’ rush, making you euphoric for a short time, but soon rendering you so miserable you wanted to stay in bed for a week and eat your own feet. Luckily most people* find eating their own feet to be a somewhat impossible task.) *Most.

Soon Alex had designed what was, in his private opinion, a gorgeous little kart - yellow and sparkly, gleaming with lemon-curd icing and a honey glaze, over a big fat† sugar cookie chassis. It proudly displayed large Jammie Dodgers for the rear wheels and Orange Party Rings for the front. It sported Churro sidepods, rear and front wings made of Refresher bars, a Curly Wurly crafted seat, a folded Smarties tube nose-cone, an Orange Matchstick steering column and a chocolate-covered-Pretzel steering wheel (also glazed, so as not to melt beneath little hands). [†Fat, but crafted for aerodynamicity.]

A large-eyed Solvay watched his kart travel along a conveyor belt, being decorated to his design, and chuckled at the thought of steering wheels melting beneath 'little hands'. He followed the kart along to the end of the section and waited impatiently by the door, wondering how old he was supposed to be, and if he looked how he’d actually looked as a child, or if their child-appearances were just a guess by the game. He’d have to find a reflective surface and have a butchers.
Hmm. It must be strange for Jaxx to get to be a child, as he probabl-

Any sensible ‘adult’ thoughts were driven away, as the large garage-like door rolled up, and his kart emerged, gleaming and (to Solvay) magnificent. He gasped.
Em looked over, knowingly. “Yep.”

Alex ran up to it, looking it all over, inspecting its loveliness. “Oh my Gods, it’s beautiful.”
“Uh huh.”
“Wooowwww.” He grinned goofily, not realising he wasn't rhyming.

M smiled. “Well? Aren’t you gonna get in?”
“I- I’m scared to touch it. It’s so perfect.”
“Don’t be stoopid, what’re karts made for?”
“Not skiving. DRIVING!”
“That’s right little boy!”
“Nice hair. YEAH!”
“What is your name anyway?” She asked, suddenly, her voice now curious instead of cheery.
“Alex Solvay.” Apparently you could say your name without rhyming when under a rhyming curse.
“Alan Sorbet?”
He pulled a face. “No. Ain’t a dessert.” Wait... He hadn't had to rhyme that either...
“I think a food name is perfect for this place." She grinned, ignoring what he'd said. "Just like Jade Blackjack over there.”
Alex giggled. Jade Blackjack.
What next, he wondered, Jamie Eastlick-a-lolly? Jaxx Pepsi Max? Angel Delight Whiskin’ Plisken?
He went to say as much but was prodded in the back by the bossy little girl.
“Get in then!”

He obediently got in and started it up. Purred like a kitten. (Well, growled like a tiger.)
“Do you have any kittens?” He asked M & M, forgetting himself for a moment.
“Uh… No." She frowned.
"Off you go Lemon Sorbet, I’ve got the next new kid to help!.”
“... 'Kay. Fanks.”

He shyly drove his kart down to where the others were, it felt uh-mazing to be in control of a vehicle again. Gods he’d missed driving.

<snip>Once the Dwarfers were done showing their karts off, Marylou lead the, down to the race.</snip>

<TAG. What are your karts like?>

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