Overhearing/Zack & Cubie

Tara saw her chance and ran for it. 'McKenzies is weird' she decided.
Unfortunately Stewie McKenzie overheard this remark.
"Well if you don't like it - Bugger off!"
So she did ...
Stewie then decided to find out what was wierd. It struck him in the face.
Zack Cubie are bloody arguing with each other in working time and ... Oh
dear God no, they were arguing in front of a customer!!!!!! Stewie
was not impressed. He apologised to Mr. Stone then asked Zack to politely come
with him ...
"Look here!" he roared, "It's all well all to have a good relationship with your partner
be it computer, human, hologram or whatever, but your arguing is ruining MY
store's reputation! Do you understand???? I more complaint and you are going
to be sacked my friend!"
Stewie then stormed off into his office. Zack felt like a guilty school boy ...~Back to you Zack. Think of this as an interlude~
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