the game of pool

Place: Parrots
Time:does anyone 'ever' know the time?
"You can break if you want to Jay" said Joe.
Jay picked up his cue and went down to the end of the table to line up his
"Hold on a second, what the hell is that?" said Joe, pointing at a guy with
a blow-up doll and a pink frilly shirt.
"Where?" said Jay looking over.
In the moment that Jay turned his head to look where Joe was pointing, Joe
took the rigged cue ball out of his pocket and quickly swapped it with the
normal one.
"Oh nothing, nevermind" said Joe, "Carry on"
Jay lined up his shot and hit the cue ball as fast as he could. It hurtled
towards the triangle of balls and just as it was about to hit them it
swerved sharply to the left and went down a pocket, Jay looked on with
"What the heck!!!?" Jay exclaimed.
"Oh dear Jay, looks like a foul break, two shots to me" Joe said with glee.
Joe took his shot and split up the balls, the cue ball then traveled round
the table and knocked in three red balls, almost as if it was a sentient
"Looks like i'm red" said Joe
Jay just stod there watching, his jaw was practically touching his feet.
Joe took another shot, and deliberately messed it up.
"Awww shucks" said Joe, trying to look dissapointed. "Your shot, i'm going
to the bar, do you want anything?"
"I'll have a beer please" said Jay while lining up his next shot.
Joe walked up to the bar and ordered a milkshake.
He took a sip of it and grimmaced.
"Jesus christ Owen, what the hell do you put in these things, thats
revolting" said Joe, then downed the rest of it, "I'll have another" said
Joe, while thinking 'why the hell do i want another, i must be mad.
Three quickly downed milkshakes later, Joe returned to the pool table.
While he was gone Jay had sunk 5 of his yellow's and was just taking his
next shot when the ball dodged out of the way of his cue.
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