Joe's Bot

Joe Schweeble was recovering from shooting himself in the foot with a grape,
he was sitting on the floor holding his foot, lot's of people were laughing
at him, but they didn't know that it actually stung like hell.
After a breif period of sobbing, Joe went back to the makeshift bar and
ordered another milkshake, his fifth one in ten minutes, he thought it quite
strange that he was at a party and not drinking alchol, but he quite like
the swirling colour effect that the milkshakes seemed to be causing.
He had been thinking quite a bit about this robot competition that was
coming and he'd already worked ou his design for a robot.
All he needed to do was slightly modify the fake cue-ball he had used
against Jay in the game of pool. It was a small robot so it should be quite
easy to avoid the other bots and it was a cue-ball so it couldn't be turned
over, all he needed was to fit somekind of weapon. But what?
Just then the smoke machine was activated and the room filled with smoke,
all the pretty lights shining through the mist made his head swim.
But it had given him an idea, if he could make his cue-ball issue smoke to
obscure the arena then his opponents wouldn't be able to see anything and in
the confusion he could use his secret weapon, which was a ******* (hah if
you think i'm telling all of you my secret weapon, then you're mistaken).
He went up to the bar to get yet another milkshake.
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