Was I supposed to...naaaaaa

Dirk Bell woke up suddenly from his nap. "Wasn't I supposed to do something?"
He looked around the room briefly, as if trying to find a clue as to what it
was. "Holly?"
"Are those exoskeletons on board?"
"No, the security team showed up and scared them off."
"Oh. Ok." Dirk turned back over and went back to sleep.
About an hour later he awoke to see Dren slicking back his hair with dippity-do
and wearing a blue tuxedo with a white ruffled shirt and green bow tie. His
paints were a reflective red. "What in the smeg are you doing?!"
"Haven't you heard? Dren Walker, the host of the short lived cable show 'Don't
Put That In Your Mouth,' has another gig hosting the robot wars. I gotta get
"What are you wearing?"
"This is my suit. A host has to have a suit."
"Couldn't you find anything that matched?"
"No!" Dren seemed a little offended. "It doesn't look that bad, does it?" He
was inspecting his choice of clothes in a second guessing manner.
"Why don't you go to one of the shops on the Promenade? They're bound to have
something there that would suit a man of your 'tastes' a little better. Like
shoes, for instance." Dirk was pointing at Dren's bare feet. Dren just wiggled
his toes and walked out the door, as is, probably headed to the Promenade.
Dirk picked up his remote and changed the channel of the TV from an episode of
Knight Rider, searching for something along the lines of wrestling. Two
scutters, which Dirk had no idea were there, revealed themselves from underneath
some clothes that Dren had thrown on the floor and registered there complaint.
Dirk returned to Knight Rider. "Touchy little buggers," he muttered to himself
as he decided to do some work in the science bay.
He reached the science bay doors, but they wouldn't open. "Holly!"
"What is it now?"
"The smeggin' doors won't open!"
"They've been locked by Commander White Wolf."
"How in the hell am I supposed to get any work done if I can't get to my
"Don't ask me. I just work here." With that Holly's image left the monitor.
Dirk decided to go to the source himself. He made a bee-line for the Drive
Room. Once there he asked someone to point out Commander White Wolf to him.
Someone pointed to the six foot one hamster. "Why the smeg not? What next? A
four foot goldfish for a pilot," he thought to himself as he approached White
Wolf. "Excuse me, Commander White Wolf. I'm Dirk Bell, of the Science
Department. I seem to be locked out of the Science Bay. Could you tell me
OOC-over to you commander
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