What's goin on?

Katrina Swete
Her quarters
Katrina hadn't attended the party celebrating Niples' prommotion to Captain.
There were too many people, like Niples, Alotta and Penny, that she just
didn't want to see. She spent that night writing her romance novel in peace.
Later (The clock's got hands, I can't read them! Give me digital!)
"Holly?" Katrina called out.
The head appeared onscreen. "Yes Katrina?"
"Anything interesting going on on the ship?"
"Yeah," Holly answered. "Harris and a bunch of security just fought with a
couple of huge robots, just about about destroiyng McKenzie's"
"Oh no!" Katrina gasped. "Not another Security team mess! I'm getting so sick
of cleaning those up!"
"Don't worry," the head assured. "Harris offered Stweie the use of his team
to clean it up."
"Sweet!" she exclaimed. "Anything else?"
"There's a robot building competition going on where the crew will fight them
and beat the smeg out of each other."
"Boring," Katrina snorted. "Anyone getting totally pissed and making an ass
of themself?"
"Always, just head over to Parrott's," Holly told her.

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