"Ye Olde Ointment" Team

The doors to the medical bay were sealed shut. Keto had never used
the emergency quarantine sealing systems before, but this was an
They couldn't risk anybody finding out the plans for their robot.
As Keto carefully dismantled the refigerator once more, Shakespeare
began systematically slicing large spear-shaped sections out of a
sheet of metal with an industrial oxyacetalyne torch. Keto shook his
head and worried vaguely about how somebody who believed himself to
be a fifteenth century bard knew how to wield a high-powered cutting
device, but shook his head and ignored it.
"Aha! The sharp'nd spears of war art ready to be unleashed upon
thy unsuspecting foes!" said Shakespeare triumphantly, holding up a
finished spear. Keto sighed as the Bard put the stake down on a pile
of seven others - he'd said the same line every time.
"Lawrence," said Keto, "Why can't you at least attempt to speak
proper, modern English?"
"I do, thy tongue is foul and tarnished with the ebbings of the
future," replied Shakespeare hautily.
"Yes, perhaps it is," sighed Keto wearily, "But at least people can
understand my 'foul and tarnished' speech. They understand you about
as much as I understand Skutter."
"Skutter? Pish and piffle, tis thou language of foll'wers that
serveth him, the winged beast!"
"Lawrence, the skutters are not servants of the devil, although
many people may think that *you* are! Look, how about I attempt to
teach you some partially-laudable language?"
There was silence for a few seconds. Shakepeare stopped work and
stared at Keto for a few seconds, considering. Then, slowly, he
"Well," he said slowly, "Need'st musteth as thy devil drives. For
verily the crew will accept'st mine attempts to speaketh your fork'ed
tongue. Then, we canst begineth construction of fair Mercutio,
teame'd by medicine."
"Of course," nodded Keto, ignoring the fact that he would rather
have liked to have called the new robot 'Ointmentator II'.
"Now then," continued Keto, as he finished on the refigerator and
moved to the still inadequate tracks, "Firstly, you need to stop
adding 'eth' to the end of every other word..."
The distant sounds of mechanical experiments, track-strengthening
trials and repetition of sentence constructions went on a long, long

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