Harris 'oh sod it, can't think of a title

Blue Dwarf
"How long Holly?" Harris enquired.
"You can kept a reponse in over a week." Holly answered. "Providing that she does reply'."
"Holly." Harris said.
"Yes?" Holly asked.
"Shut up and go back to your crossword!" Harris told the computer.
"I've already finished it." Holly commented.
"Start another one!" Harris hissed.
Holly then disappeared from sight. According to Psycho Bob Harris had a sister he couldn't remember because of that damn memory block that wasn't going away in any time soon. It had taken him ages to track down a Juila Harris, thankfully there was only the one he found, and now he had to wait to see if this one was indeed his sister. If she was he had found a link to his past and if not, Psycho Bob will be deleted for lying to him.
"Hey you!"
Harris turned to see this young man with sandy blonde hair and with a five o'clock shadow. Oh, Harris throught to himself, it was Dren Walker, one of those responsable for building this rustbucket of a ship who had went missing. Well, he wasn't missing now.
"You Harris?!" Walker snapped.
"Yes." Harris hissed. "What do you want?!"
"I've just spent the best part of three days locked in cell only to find it wasn't locked!" Walker told Harris in a tone only used by people who didn't know him too well.
"Still haven't found the key then." Harris commented calmily and then he hissed. "Now, Walker! Tell me what you want and get out of my sight before I introduce you to new type of pain!"
(Alright Dren, you continue this, either you have a death wish and try to take out you anger on Harris or use the wise option and leave before your limbs are shattered!)

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