Selection Boulevard

Selection Boulevard

"Sing my angel of music, sing for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

Stewie knew he hadn't go the most perfect voice for singing, but he did his best with Tara
who wasn't singing too badly actually. Stewie sat back in his director chair and reached
for his name list and a cigar - suddenley remembering he didn't smoke.
"Okay peoples that was lovely jubbly! Now ... Haven please don't be shy .."
Stewie hoped that no one thought his last phrase was in a homosexual manner. Oh well, he sat
back and wrote down his reviews on the people he observed so far.
Chrysler, JayShowing full theatre potential. Seemed a little influenced by alcoholic beverages.
However this need not matter - this may help. May need second audition - to clarify.Cleavage, TaraSinging potential - excellent standard. Acting - not sure for the moment. After the acts,
must remember to ask to do an actual scene.
Stewie finished writing and looked up to see Exodus waiting patiently.
"Oh do go on ..."[Over to you].
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