Captain Niples

Capt. Seymour Niples and Katrina Swete
Parrotts bar 2001
As Seymour finally pulled his face away from Katrina's lips, he shook off the testosterone indiced trance and asked, "What? What was so funny?"
He felt Katrina's lips find their way to his ear, she whispered softly. "What do ya say we go back to your quarters?"
Niples bit his lip. He was delighted at the proposition, what warm blooded male wouldn't be. Katrina was gorgeous, he knew that. He was lucky to have her.
He turned to face her.
The emotions tumbling around in his head had seemed to be in order, but as he voiced them they came out twisted and stuttered.
"look...I...Look Katrina..I..... I'm flattered of course.
Katrina felt a 'But' coming on.
"...But I think we should just not rush into this.... I.... Kind of had a brief emotional...erm....fling......"
"You had sex with Alotta." Katrina put it simply for him.
"Well yes, yes I did. And I think it was a wrong thing to do, so this time with you I think we should wait a while. To make sure we're doing the right thing. I want to make sure that.....that...."
"That you love me?" Katrina finished.
 "Yes. That's it." Niples smiled, but then he scanned katrina's face to read her expression. He hoped she wasn't offended in any way.
"That is okay isn't it?" he probed.
"Of course" said Katrina and hugged him tight.
***20 minutes later***
Seymour and Katrina walked through the empty cargo bays, a popular spot for couples wanting romantic moments together (and also to get mugged as security was pretty lax in this area). Actually the smell of dust, lubricating oil, burning methane and engine petrol lingered around the cargo bays, making it smell slightly better than normal.
"Have you ever wanted to be anything more than a cleaner?" Asked Seymour.
"I never really thought about it" replied Katrina. "Do you think I should sleep myself to the top?" she joked.
Seymour chuckled, wondering if she was that kind of person. They barely even knew each other really, and he hoped to get to now her a lot better in the weeks coming, maybe even in the years coming.
"Hey isn't that Phil, Alotta and Tara over there?" she asked, pointing past a few rusty chains and empty oil drums.
"They're testing their robot.... bloody hell- it's huge!!! And look how fast it travels too- I can't even see it move!" Seymour thought of his handmade robot 'Nemesis'. A round disk thing with a spike, covered in fur.
How was it supposed to compete against THAT? oh well, it least the Nemisis has style. Wrapped in some kind of furry trousers that used to belong to absent crewmember James Johnson.
"And what's that underneath?" asked Katrina, pointing out a bulbous object connected with wires.
"It looks like a bomb... humh... maybe kamikaze by name and Kamikaze by nature?"
"You mean if it loosed it will destroy the other team as well?"
"But that's not fair! " said Katrina. "that means either they win or no-one does! There must be a rule against that or something."
"I'll go and ak him about it." said Niples.
***Where phil is***
"Blimey, it's the Captain!" Phil said and the two girls tried their best to cover up their robot.
<Over to you Phil, Tara or Alotta. Is your robot fair?>>
==================================Lt. Cmdr David "Onion" BallAssistant Helm officer/ Pilot  USS Endeavour-ACaptain Seymour Niples  JMC Blue

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