The drink (Well what do you expect)

Oh sod you, Harris told his mind and then he said to Alota. "Alright then."
"Good, lets go" Alota beamed. They left Alotas quarters and started walking
down the corridor towards Parrots. They didn't start a decent conversation
until they had gotten there. They sat at a small table somewhere in the
back. Owen came up
"Well then whats your poisen?"
"Uh something strong for me and what ever Harris is having". Owen took their
orders and came back with two drinks, one looked like someone had sneezed in
it and the other was as brown as, well you know.
"So then, is this going to be just a drink or just a drink where we get
absoulutly rat arsed and end up doing things that will seriously get us into
trouble?" Alota asked
"Probably the latter, I've got some sorrows to drown"
"Same here, how about talking about them, it does help trust me" Alota said
taking a sip of her drink "I mean I went from a stress bunny kicking
scutters to a calm normal not quite phsycotic person"
<<So Harris, what kinda trouble can a temp first officer and a comunications
operator get into?>>

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