Re: To the Bar!

> DJ turned around at the bar and saw Chris looking for her. She
> surprised he didn't recognize her at first. She had put her hair up
> in a tight bun and was wearing blue shorts and a green top. She
> looked halfway decent, but she was afraid if she dressed any nicer,
> Chris would think she was desperate or something.
> She waved to him. "Over here!"
> Zodar smiled as he saw her and sat down at the bar in the seat she
> had saved. She smiled nervously at him. "So, what ya have? I've got
> my beer."
"Uh..." Chris looked nervous. He wasn't legally able to buy a beer.
To cover, he built up his confidence and ordered, "The usual, Owen..."
Even Chris didn't know what his usual was, but he had a feeling it
might have something to do with fruit. Best leave it up to chance.
And so the conversation started.
"Wow. You look really nice tonight."
"I didn't know if you'd be able to spot me." DJ said laughing. "You
look nice too, I had to double check when I saw you at the door."
The two chuckled as Chris's drink was put in front of him.
"And now for the taste test!" Zodar exclaimed as he lifted the glass
to his mouth and took a sip.
It was a different taste. It was beer.
"Uh, Owen? You've given me a beer."
"Yeah, it's what you usually order, isn't it?"
"Yes, but I usually get juice when I order a beer. What's the deal?"
"Well, I thought you could use one. But only one, I don't want you
stumbling around finding it dificult to stay on your seat for more
than five seconds. ...And don't tell anyone."
"Yeah, I know. Thanks heaps, mate."
Chris turned to DJ. "You know, it's almost my birthday soon. I'll be
able to drink whatever I want then."
"It's not as good as everyone says it is." DJ looked serious.
But she couldn't keep the straight face for long and started laughing.
"Yeah, I know. One time, one of my friends at a party back on earth
was so pissed that he was walking around saying, 'The spin is
worlding! The spin is worlding!' and there was this other guy who was
walking around telling everyone to scull their drinks. Even to people
who didn't have drinks. I just happen to always be the sober one who
has to clean up all the spew and be the 'Vomit Goblin'."
"Well, I'll try not to get too sloshed tonight" DJ said.
<Over to you DJ, do you have any questions you want me to answer?>

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