My re-post of the two posts that Yahoo *ATE* for lunch...

Post #1
> White Wolf was in his temp. office going over some documents. Dirk
> didn't bother with the formalities, he just burst in and laid the
> print out on WW's desk. "Sir, we're in deep shit, pardon my
> French. It seems as though one
> Allie Fletcher is in possession of and/or releasing a toxic gas.
> It's in small
> quantities at this state and little more than dangerous than a
> convience store burrito, but it might get worse and deadlier."
White Wolf glanced at the print out, and quickly shook his head
while lamenting "That's all I need, another rogue AI with a light bee
capable of an SBD* that even a Hazmat** team won't touch. And since
we don't have a Hazmat** team onboard, that's not an option
The huge hamster paused, and then quickly thought outloud "Alright,
I'll order up part of the Security team that's looking for Evil
Phil... Umm, Tom, Dick and Harry should do for that, and have them
find and disable Allie after they've picked up some gas masks for
themselves... We're going to need something to store her in to
contain this gas though..."
The huge hamster paused, for a second, and then burst out "Dirk are
you familar with those big weather ballons? You know the one's that
are big enough to fit a person inside when filled? Well, I want you
to get a set of those along with a portable gas detector, which I
assume, you'll have to read for the security team, So I'll put you in
charge of the team ... if your up to it. Then I want you to use the
portable gas detector to track down Allie, try and make her
understand the danger first. If she doesn't cooperate peacefully,
your authorized to disable her and place her inside one of the
weather ballons and transport her light bee to the nearest controlled
atmosphere room, so you can safely vent the gas out of the Blue
Dwarf, then report back to me. Does that sound like a plan, Dirk?"
<Over to you, Dirk. You can assume WW will order up Tom, Dick and
Harry if you accept.>
* SBD- Silent But Deadly stinkeroo.
** Hazmat - Hazardous Materials
OOC - Allie, you did lay that SBD on us, so I hope you don't mind the
consequences of your 'little surprise'.
Post # 2
--- In JMC_Blue_Dwarf@y..., "Christopher Kentlea" <ckentlea@b...>
Time : 1 hour after WW put out the anoucement
Location : WW Office
>Phil sat in WW office waiting for Harris to arrive.
>He didn't know how he was going to react to
>him letting ANOTHER psycho AI onto the ship. With
>any luck, this mission would finally see the
>end of Evil Phil and the secrets he held.
>After all this was over Phil would keep his end of
>the bargin he made with Harris and start work on
>some way to remove all or some of the memory block
>he had about his past. Of course assuming that the
>next few hours would not result in Phil being
>rendered into many component parts.
>For some reason, Phil was also feeling guilty
>about the way he had treated Allie as well, almost
>as if some memory from previous time loops was
>trying to get itself remembered. Still, the
>problem would solve itself in time.
>Harris finally enetered the room wearing what
>looked like dark glasses over his eyes.
>He sat down next to Phil
>"Not a bloody word alright.."
White Wolf said "It seems you two have some explaining to do about
some of monkey business going on the Blue Dwarf. Can either of you
tell me that I misunderstood a report that a 'Psycho Bob' has been
unleashed by you two? Or a report that Allie Fletcher is venting some
poisonous gas after an encounter with Phil and Harris's security
team? Could it be, that you two are simply creating more job security
for yourselves?"
He paused and looked at them both gravely for a second, and before
one of them openned their mouths to explain, he continued "I don't
want to hear about it right now. Instead, I'd like to get this whole
situation resolved as quickly as possible! So, I'm going to overlook
these things in return for your personal gaurantee's to help out with
this task of capturing Evil Phil, and perhaps somehow dealing with
this 'Psycho Bob' you unleashed. I understand the Amourzilla has been
picked up by Tom, Dick, and Harry. It's currently deactivated and
stored on the Hanger deck. Me and you, Phil, are going to be the bait
for a trap for Evil Phil. In a few hours, I'm going have a message go
out over the Blue Dwarfs all call, that we're both meeting in the
hanger to ensure the D-gun is still safe in it's storage compartment
in the Amourzilla. I doubt Evil Phil will pass up on the opportunity
to try something when we're there. Major Harris, Phil & I will be
counting on you and your Security team to come out of hiding to
capture Evil Phil with those guns I had you make copies of eariler,
when Evil Phil finally arrives to perpetraite whatever he plans on
perpetraiting with us and his hopeful retrieval of the D-gun.
Activating the Amourzilla will be our last resort. So that's my
general outline for what we need to do - But, I am listening if
either of you wish to offer up alternatives plans you have in mind."
<Over to you too, Phil & Harris! Oh, and WW will confidentially
explain about the D-gun, saying that what you know about it is to be
kept *absolutely* secret and that the consequences will be *very
dire* if you fail to do so, if either of you bother asking...>

< Prev : Now is the yahoo of our discontent... Next > : OOC-10,000th post!!!!