Harris 'Hell is my life'

"Make me". Alota had given Kayn enough time to hide from Harris,
"Go on what you going to do then Harris?" Alota asked again.
"Alright then." Harris hissed and then threw the combat knife as hard as he
The sharp blade flew through the air, just scarching the side of Alota's ear and
went on and a few moments later then came a sudden and very loud.
"Here's a hint Alota never leave someone with a major drink problem alone in a
bar!" Harris snarled.
Then all of sudden, when the sane part of Harris' mind, one sane part against
two trully thirds now that isn't a fair fight, regained control Harris dropped
to his kness with a almost lifeless look in his eyes and then he muttered. "I
hate my life!"
(Alright Alota, what now?)

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