Away team update... And things...

> Where is team 2 in location to team 1?
OOC - Argh... I *knew* I should've made a world disply for stuff like
this, because I always worry a simple text description isn't going to
be good enough explaination for everyone. Alright, I'm writing that
down on my list of to do's, so I should have something nice for
everyone to stare at by tommorrow or wednesday at the latest.
Ok since it's been flubbed up anyways, I'm going to carry on, as if
we rejoined, ignoring the fact that Away team #2 was on the West side
of the mountain range, and Away team #1 was on the East side of the
mountain range, and that the away team #2 couldn't have simply hiked
over the mountains over to Away Team one's location in one day...
<The hamster rubs his forehead while glancing at harris and sighing
And on another note, Sean/Shakespeare you did a *fantastic* job on
the new website. What software are you using for it? I don't
recognise it, is it Dreamweaver?
Where: Planetside, in dense jungle
When: Right after mopping up the beasts that attempted to ambush Jay
& DJ at the back of line, and Away Team Two suddenly arrived out of
no where.
Who: Away Team #1
The Huge Hamster surveyed the mass of corpses, making sure everyone
of them were staying dead, and then turned and addressed Jay, "Please
remember next time that this furry butt of mine still out ranks you
Lt. I'm quite sure other Captains won't be as easy going as I am
about it."
And then overgrown hamster addresses both away teams, "Now does
anybody besides Harris here need medical attention?"
Few moments of silence past, and the hamster continued "Good. Mr.
Shakespeare & Dr. Keto, I need you two patch up Major Harris while we
march. Alright folks, form up a line! We've got to keep moving, or
we're going to become 'meals on wheels' for some more of these hungry
beasts following the scent of blood." Then large hamster turns to
Major Harris, and says "Good save there Major, I notice three members
of your team are missing, care to update me on what happened?"
OOC - Major Harris, I'll let you do a post here that fills in this
gap. You know the stuff where we learn of your teams findings, and
inform us of Ensign Drusilla Belladonna and Doom Harbinger's deaths,
and the interesting misplacement of the Scientist Dirk Bell.
Two hours later, while as the combined away teams track Chen's trail
to the top of a particularly large hill where the away teams can see
a foliage covered 'Aztec like' stone structure in the valley below
The overgrown hamster calls the teams to a halt, informing everyone
to take a short 5 minute rest break while he checks out the terrain
The huge hamster takes out his binoculars and studies the stone
structure and the adjoining jungle for a few minutes before he turns
to science officer Jarvis and asks "I think I can see where these
tracks are heading. Can you tell if there is anymore of the nasty
predators hanging about that stone structure down below?"
Jarvis consulted his instruments, and replied "It's hard to be
absolutely certain at this disance, Captain. But, I don't detect any
readings of lifesigns for such a large group animals as we've been
encountering. I find it encouraging that there are some traces of
several humans being in that vacinity within the past hour. So the
place does seem inhabited, despite it's outward unkept appearances.
Unfortunately, I can't ascertain whether there is any lifesigns
within the stone structure itself at this time. Perhaps, when we get
closer, I'll be able to determine if these humans are inside or not."
"Very good. I estimate we'll get there before nightfall and be able
to make camp. And since this is the highest elevation we're going to
have access to, short of the mountains for a while, I better try and
get in contact with Stewie before we decend into the valley and make
further direct communications with the Blue Dwarf more difficult."
Jarvis left to join his friends while the huge hamster cued up his
communicator, "Hamster 1 to Base, do you read me? Over."
"Sirus here sir, We read you loud and clear. Over."
"We've rejoined both away teams. We've suffered some casualities,
Ensign Drusilla Belladonna and Doom Harbinger were killed by these
nasty predators down here. And the Scientist for away team 2, Dirk
Bell, is missing. I need you scan for him from up there, and report
his position to us when you locate him. Currently, Chen's trail looks
like it's headed for a large stone structure in the valley below us,
which we can reach before nightfall so I plan to set up our next camp
down there. How is everything up there on the Blue Dwarf, Any news
for us ground pounders down here? Over."
"Only that Christine has past away, Sir. Over."
"Please extend my apologies to Stewie, Will you? What time will the
Blue Dwarf be passing over our location again? I'd like to hold a
joint radio funeral for all three people on your next pass. Over."
"Our next pass will be approximately midnight, Captain. Over."
"Ok, please make the arrangements up there Sirus. I'll inform
everybody down here, that we're going to be performing the funeral
cermonies at about that time. Over and out."
The hamster walked over and addressed both away teams, "ok, Listen up
everybody! After rest time is up, we're going to be heading down in
the valley towards that stone structure down there. We should be able
to reach it by nightfall, and we'll make camp there. At approximately
midnight tonight we'll be able to make radio contact with the Blue
Dwarf while she's overhead again. At that time we'll be performing
the funeral cermonies for Ensigns Belladona, Ensign Harbinger and
Mrs. Christine McKenzie via radio."
OOC - Over to whoever wishes to follow up. Stewie, let's get this
funeral ball of yours rolling. If possible, I'd like post Part 2 of
the main plot, "the temple", on Wednesday evening or sometime
- Tim/WW

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