Barbecue anyone?

He landed in a heap on the floor next to Alota and wished for the hundredth time that he had taken the assualt combat course when he'd had the opportunity.  "You alright doc?" Alota asked as the doctor picked himself up,
"Yes but thou's pride and trouser leg hast been ripped"
"Well I know it may seem that I am trying to change the subject, well actually I am, but can you get up and fire that thing because we need the firepower". Shakespeare got up, then he joined the line of people as they slowly destroyed the mass number of Beasties. One of the Beasties had jumped behind Jay, Alota and Harris diverted their fire and shot the beastie splattering, themselves, Shakespeare and Jay with Beastie brains and guts,
"Oh great Beastie guts yum" Alota said with distain in her voice,
"I'd never thought I'd ever be saying this, thank you Harris" Jay said.
They continued their satisfying roasting of the Beasties, Chen was amusing himself seeing if he can light farts and quite frankly succeding aswell as seting his pants alight.
The Beasties warfare started to thin out as one by one they where obliterated.
"Well now that thats over lets get out of here shall we?" Alota said,
"Lt get the engine fired up on that thing, Alota you and Shakespeare get some supplys from that bug into that bug" Harris ordered.

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