Under My Command, Bwa-Haa-Haa

Keto looked around. It didn't seem that anybody present was trying
to countermand his authority.
On the other hand, he thought, Longwood and Schweeble were busy
trying to help that Bell fellow to his feet, so they couldn't really
be expected to pay attention. Keto instead looked at the remainder
of his complete force of terror.
"Yes?" he snapped at Kayn, who was standing in the middle of the
room looking over at Bell. When Kayn blinked and glanced back at
him, Keto growled, "You trying to say I'm not in charge?"
"What? I didn't say anything..." began Kayn. Keto smiled smugly.
"But if I *had*," continued Kayn, but Keto had already begun
"Alright, you rabble, listen up!" he snapped, "We're going to get
things done right around here, or you're going to die trying. Now
then, first we need to regroup the other members of this ragamuffin,
rag-tailed team, find these Others, and get back onto the Blue
Dwarf. Chrysler...has vanished. So we'll skip that problem for the
moment, and get back to the problem of our commanding officers.
Acting-Captain Whitewolf...has also vanished. Into a strange
portal. In the ground..."
Keto's voice slowed as he stared at the ground, then shrugged.
"Next problem, Major Harris..."
Another pause, this time as Keto considered the wiseness of sending
someone out after Major Harris into a dangerous jungle inhabited by
carnivorous beasts and, of course, Major Harris.
"Aha!" he cried suddenly, "Now, we *can* recover the crewmembers in
the tunnels! Longwood, Bestrom, you two get down inside those fetid
tunnels and bring back Miss Viagra."
"And Shakespeare," reminded Kayn.
"Bring back Miss Viagra, and take all due precautions," continued
Keto, "Remember - if it's not Viagra, and it's moving, shoot it."
"Unless it's Shakespeare."
"Whatever it may be," muttered Keto, waving his hand nonchalantly.
When nobody moved he frowned.
"Is there a problem with something I've said?" he growled.
OOC: So, which problem are you particularly going to pick on? :)
Sorry if you get this twice, but I think Yahoo expects me only to
hit the Send button when I've finished typing, t'cha!

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