^-^-^-^-^- it's a chain letter? Crap title I know

Alota didnt want to stay with alone with Harris and followed Shakespeare and sat behind the tactical post.
"Tis life moving out of thy temple" Shakespeare said,
"Well Jay you better fly low quick so one of us can go and get them",
"Agreed, but who should go?" Jay thought then said
"I nominate Harris"
"What and leave you blunders behind you must be joking" Harris snarled,
"Yes but commanding should be the couragous" Jay argued back,
"Like I said leaving you half wits behind is like leaving a dolphin in the desert" Harris argued. Alota sighed,
"For frelling sakes I'll go" she said then got up. Jay lowered the bug then Alota jumped out, ran towards the others.
"Stupid idea sending a women to do a job" Harris said,
"Well thou couldn't go because thy command ist needed, Jay is handling this machine, chen to put thy senyence politly is as pissed as thys fart and I'm just a mere doctor" Shakespeare said, Harris huffed.
Keto and the others had just gotten down the temple stairs, Alota stood at the top one "Yo Dr Ointment, leaving so soon? Rides this way?"

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