harris, Alota and Jay, hey if you can think of a better title then

<<Snipet>>  He reached forward to knock on the door and it slid open.  Inside he could see Alota standing, holding a teddybear, facing the almost impercetibly different Harris.  They turned to look at him, Harris' mouth open about to speak.  "Am I interrupting anything?" Chrysler asked the pair.<<End snipet>>
Alota looked a Chrysler, then back at Harris, then to Chrysler, then to Harris then back to Chrysler, then abck to Harris,
"Well, what are you going to say Harris?" Alota *finaly* asked, Harris looked at her, his snarling face had fanished for a second then it appeared again. He punched Alota in the face saying,
"Don't you dare get in my way on a mission again". Alota stood back, shocked, puzzled, rather pissed off.
"Listen you freak who obviously doesn't deserve friends, I  didn't get in your way on that misssion" she turned around with her back facing him,
"And by the way your a pathetic excuse for a person, you can't even admit to your feelings"
"What you talking about" Harris snarled
"Oh don't play dumb with me, you know what I'm talking about. Everybody maybe nervous around you but your lacking in one perticular area, the emotions, now get out of my quarters you waste of space". Harris did just what she said, the teddy bear Alota was holding was thrown under her bed with a lot of other things.
"Um Alota, can I just say one thing?" Jay asked
"Hmm yeah what?"
"What for"
"By the look of Harris as he left you managed to scare him a litte"
"Well he deserves it, he;s a stubun pig, there are so many things I could call him but they are mearly to polite for him"
"Do you want to cancel that drink?"
"No you still ow me it, I need to stop by medi bay though, I think he broke my cheek bone" Alota said jokingly 

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