welcome aboard?

Katy Roskev
Location: the twilight zone aka JMC Blue Dwarf
"what drugs do people smoke on this ship?" Roskev
thought to herself. "I hope they share" as finish a
rather quick tour of the ship. Hefting the green
duffle bag she finally headed toward her quarters. She
reported on board meeting the captain only to have him
end the interview by asking her if she knew where his
pants were. Only after stepping out from behind his
desk did she she he had on those cute little ducky
boxers. Shaking her head she waited until outside his
office to start luaghing. "I am goin' love this ship".
She left a note for the chief engineer that she was on
board but since she's not timed for a shift until the
next day she had some time to herself. So a quick
tour, she finally called it quits after seeing
something invovling jello and an alien...
She dumped her bag on the bunk and looked around the
room, she still didn't know if she had a bunkmate so
she hurried and claimed all the good stuff. The lower
bunk, better for getting into after parties. and the
towels and other good stuff. She started to unpack
pulling out her posters first, the 'I don't ask for
much in a man' poster "I love that pic" Katy thought,
'Join the JMC and get shafted in style' poster
Boy george, amoung others of various odd types. Ending
with a quote that says 'well twist my nipple nuts and
send me to alaska'. She finishes unpacking carefully
taking out her collection of sharp, pointy
things....daggers. And her collection of pictures of
her friends past out in various ways. Done she looks
around. Takes into sight the two bunks, the head,
desk. "well its not much but its home...now what do
they do for fun around here" Roskev asked herself as
she started to thumb through the intro manual 'So your
on blue dwarf and want a life'
<so guys what is there to do?>
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