Sudden Tragedy

Sudden Tragedy
WHO: Mike McKenzieWHERE: Parrotts Bar 2001WHEN: Going "Socialising"
Mike managed to get out of the view of Stewie and snuck into Parrotts. Unfortunately,
some guy from McKenzies was there and he needed to sneek around and disguise
himself as someone else.
"Sir," said Harry Smith-Weston, "how can I help you?"
"Good day. I am Herr Vinkel van Sinkel from Muvver Country of Germany!
I reqvest a Zuper Strenks Lagar vith vodka mixed in a larch jug!"
"A super strength lagar with vodka sir?"
"Yes, younk man!"
"Coming right up."
Mike sniggered. His home made moustache and accent worked like a charm!
His plan succeeded and was now one minute away from drinking pleasure.
"Here you are sir. That'd be eight dollarpounds."
"Er ... I vill pay later!"
Mike took the alcholic beverage and drank ...~THUD!~
"Wake up! Wake up!"
Mike slowly opened his eyes. He was in his bed and a great beast was above him.
Uncle Stewie. He was frowning so much, the wrinkles on his forehead were inside out.
"What a drink!"
"What a mess!" Stewie growled, "how dare you go and drink below legal age!
You wouldn't believe how embarrassing the situation was!!!"
"What happened?" Mike groaned.
"Well you took the drink, fell onto one of the tough security guys who beat
you to a pulp!"
"You'll be staying here untul Thursday! YOU ARE GROUNDED!"[Andrew (Mike) will be away until Thursday.]Yahoo! Messenger
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