Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Utilising NPC #14763 - The Big Pink Tree

> She held out her hand "Katy Roskev new chief
> engineer."
> "So I'm not the only new person aboard then..thank
> smeg for that." Vanessa smiled back as Katy
> introduced herself.
> "Tell me..have you found things a bit..odd here?"
> "like what?"
> "Big pink plants, a scientist who used to think he
> was a fourteenth century playwrite..which is
> considered wrong on this ship. Half the crew are
> locked up in some gameshow actinng like
> idiots..which hasnt helped the family
> reputation..and I hear the Psychiatric department
> has a giant appendix working there!"
> "Oh that"
> <end snip>
Roskev looked at her drink "yeah I kinda noticed stuff
like that around here, I find that if I prepare myself
its not so bad"
"what do you mean?" asked a curious vanny
"simple, have to take what mind you have and in my
case thats not much" She grinned "kidding anyway just
expect to see thigs like giant hamsters and pink
talking plants or whatever and your not so suprised
when you see them. Look at it this way getting any
work done on this ship is a feat, I mean look at me. I
manage to make my first shift on time and now I am
chief engineer. And besides at least its never dull."
"yeah well for me it takes a little getting used to, I
thought there'd be a little more order."
Vannessa said and katy shook hers "nah, I been reading
about red dwarf i figure any ship with the word dwarf
in the title can't be taken very seriously."
Roskev ordered two more drinks, "well you obviously
been here a little longer than me,what is there do to
for fun? and are there any cute, single, preferably
human guys with all there teeth around here?" She
asked grinning at van's look of suprise.
<all yours vanny, gotta go for a few days though>
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