
Keto sat on the sofa, listening to the effects of what was
apparently some kind of laughing gas wearing off the rest of the
As the others walked back into the main room, Keto allowed himself
a cold smile. This cold smile instantly vanished, however, when Jay
sat down after speaking with Alota and started to play a harmonica.
Keto checked his pockets, then glared at Jay.
"Mr Chrysler," he said in a moment when Jay paused for breath, "You
do realise that that instrument has been in the pocket of my
laboratory coat for the last six years?"
"Do YOU realise that it's gonna be up your ass for the next 6
months?" retorted Jay.
"I'm wondering whether or not that's preferable to it being held by
"That wouldn't be a new thing, I guess," snorted Jay.
"Well, you've stolen it before, so...no," replied Keto irritably.
Alota, overhearing this conversation, frowned and said to
Keto, "Hey, leave Jay alone! He's just playing your stupid
"Excuse me," replied Keto, "But I would have thought that anybody
clumsy enough to trip over a table would need all their concentration
to keep themselves upright, and so would have precious little to
spare to listen to other people's conversations!"
"Shut up Keto!" snapped Jay, flinging Keto's harmonica at him, "You
leave her alone! If you've got problems with me, you deal with me,
you don't just pick on someone who you think you can defeat easily!"
Jay had risen to his feet at this point. Keto looked up and for a
second it looked as though he too might explode.
Then, he picked up his harmonica and placed it in his pocket.
"Forget it," he growled, and folded his arms. Slowly, Jay took his
seat again.
They continued to glare at each other for a few moments longer,
OOC: Please, somebody else in BB post something! I really, *really*
don't want to find out what the hell the Tree has been doing on its
vacation, and I know you don't either! ;)

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