Re: A shadowy discussion

Who: Cerebrum
Where: Lift
When: Sometime
> "Let me think about this a while," Dirk responded. "I'm not unused
to getting
> in trouble; but when it comes to something as big as possible
treason charges, I
> do tend to give thought to my actions. Besides, I think the
scutters are
> reshowing True Grit tonight. Can't miss a classic John Wayne film
like that."
> The lift doors opened on the deck with the cinema. "I'll get back
to you later
> about that, though," he said as he stepped out of the lift.
"Only a few people who don't understand all the facts would consider
it treason," Cerebrum called after Dirk, only security, the Space
Corps and the Justice Department he thought to himself. "But just
come to my office if you decide to take the job, I'll be there. My
door is always open. That's another thing I want you to fix."
Later, back at the psychiatric offices
"Good news Appendix," Cerebrum said as he walked through the
door, "I've found somebody who might be willing to construct the
psychiatric equipment I need. Now all I have to do is convince him
that the risks are worth the money."
[What risks?]
"Oh, the usual low risks when it comes to making the equipment I
need. Being arrested and then drummed out of the JMC, or being shoot
for possesion of restricted military technology."
[Wouldn't constructing this be immoral, if it's restricted?]
"No, it wouldn't, since it shouldn't be restricted. It's perfectly
harmless to me and you."
[What about the patients?] asked the Appendix, who was remarkably
quick on the uptake when it came to little points like this.
"Oh, you have to hurt them a bit to cure them. Sort of like how the
medecine that eliminates illnesses tastes bad. It all works out in
the end. Now, send in the next patient."

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