Tara Has An Evil Plan? I\'m Dead

As Zodar sat down, determined to stay silent for his allotted
(damn, a word I don't know how to spell!) time, Tara casually walked
over to Keto.
> "Listen you balloon bubbled hypocrite go and suck on a frelling
> battery and lets hope that the kind god up there will make that
> battery leak!"
> "Listen Miss Clevage...." Keto said angrily
> "No you listen Dr Ointment, I have had it up to here with your
> snide remarks and when your turn comes around I'm going to make
> you pay mate", an evil plan was forming in Tara's head.
> "Now now Tara, calm down" Alota said walking up to her,
> "Your not going to get anywhere if you scare Dr Oint..I mean Keto
> now are you"
> "HE started it"
> "I know now, go and sit down and I'll be over so you can tell me
> all about it".
"Scare me? She couldn't scare me if...!" began Keto. Walking away,
Tara shot him an evil glare over her shoulder. Keto felt something
cold at the back of his neck.
"Now what was that?" he wondered, rubbing the back of his neck, "It
seemed familiar, as if I felt it a long time ago. What could it
possibly be...?"
And then the answer hit him.
It was fear.
"Ye Gods," murmured Keto, "I think that threat actually worried me
a little!"
With that, he sat quietly, thoughts of putting the others off
forgotten, wondering vaguely which worried him more - the fact that
Tara had threatened him, or the fact that the threat had slightly
damaged his composure.
OOC: An evil plan...hey, that's my realm! ;) Why do I get the
feeling I'm not going to like this...?

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