Ffion? You want us to go back THERE?

Kayn wasn't too happy about going back to that sector... he'd had to babysit one of the planet dwellers for the past few months and he didn't feel to happy about what happened the last time they went there
"So the Core wants us to go back to the place we picked him up..." Kayn idicated the alien currently in control
"That's what I've been told to tell you Kayn" Alota said
"Even though it's a bit of uncharted space with nothing there bar a load of aliens that tried to kill me the last time we were there"
"Um... yeah"
"To find something that thier too scared to send a big expensive ship WITH guns?"
"That's right"
Alota realised how stupid this was. Also she remembered that she was a lot older than Kayn and was being bossed arround by him - that was freakish... the blue hair was usually enough to make any of the crew laugh at him...
"Efof, turn this ship arround... We're going back to your home area..."
"Yay!" called the voice
"May as well do SOMETHING interesting... Im going to work on the Valkyrie. If any of you want me I'll be somewhere in Engineering ste.... borrowing stuff..."
Kayn walked out and walked to engineering.
"Is Commander Smegg Here?"
"No.. I'm his replacement. What can I do for you"
"I need some spaceship guns... lots of spaceship guns"

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