
Who: Tara + other people
Where: Space
When: After Blue Dwarf
Phil had gone off to work in the science lab. So Tara was pacing up and down her room after unpacking. She decided to tidy up the mess that the armourzilla (or whatever it was called) had made All those weeks ago. By making a pile of stuff to keep and stuff to throw out Tara found out that the only things savageable were her uniforms, clothes, the little personal stuff she had and her cyber pets.
"Mmmm. Looks like I need new quarters" Tara sat on her bed. There was a loud creak as the standard metal bed finaly gave up and collapsed to the floor.
"Ouch!" Tara yelped
"Sorry I over heard Tara. I have already put in an aplication for some new quarters." "Thanks Tria. How long will it take to get me some more?"
"The message I was sent back said 'anything up to 6...'" Tara interupted Tria
"Months?" said Tara optimisticaly
"No years" Tara groaned. She pulled the charred matress off the broked bed and dumped it on the floor. "Oh and Tara You were supposed to be in the medi-bay ten minutes ago"
"Smeg!" Tara pulled on her uniform and flew out of the door to the medi-bay.

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