Not taking this lying down

A thunderbird-style door opened in the cliff face and allowed them to
fly through, landing on a smooth shiny hangerbay floor.
The Starbug door was burst open and two figures barged in. They were
human, or at least human-like from first glance. But they were
wearing hats with majestic swept-back wings on them.
"Who are you?" asked Whitewolf, standing in front of his crew.
The two muscly figures looked at each other.
"We represent the Aeron Kingdom. You are Eniram, so you are our
"Where'd ya get the head wear? Hawkman have a garage sale?" Dirk smart-assedly
"Silence! Come quietly or we'll have to use force," one of the men said.
"Eat me," was the science officer's response. The two men came to grab him.
Dirk kicked one of them and punched the other. "Not use to a good ole fashion
ass whoopin', are you?" One of the men came at Dirk. As the Blue Dwarfer took
a swing that never connected, the other man hit him on the head from behind,
knocking him out.
OOC-well, dirk's done his part. what does everyone else do?
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