A Wet DJ

D'Arcy-Jada Longwood was just stepping out of the McDonald's when the crash of
Blue Dwarf began. First, everything seemed to lurch in a direction unfamiliar
with her body's upright position. She would later remember thinking "This can
NOT be good." Next, as she felt herself rolling uncontrolablly down the
promenade, she heard a warbled announcement. Something about a crash.
"I was right; this isn't good!"
Then she felt pain. A lot of smegging pain. But atleast she had stopped rolling.
DJ looked up at the thing she had crashed into. Doors. The doors to McKenzie's
Department Store. For some reason (that she would later regret) she was actually
happy to see those doors.
Last, the water hit her. In her confusing position, she couldn't tell if the
doors had opened and water had come spilling out, or if the water was from
inside the promenade and had come crashing against the doors to McKenzie's.
Either way, the next thing DJ knew, she was hanging half-off the railing of the
second floor of the promenade.
"I knew I should have stayed in bed today," she mumbled, then passed out.

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