The unwelcome guest

Where-The promenade
When-Who cares anymore
Lloyd quickly rushe over to the promenade on hearing reports that
somekind of creature was running amoke. Nothing new for this ship
then, Lloyd thought to herself.
She looked over the rail of the promenade's upper floor to see the
creature trying to smash its' way into a lift. Lloyd removed her
grenade launcher which hung over her shoulder, loaded a grenade and
took aim.
"Hey you!" Lloyd shouted.
The creature turned run and look up at Lloyd and then she fired. The
creature exploded sending bits of green goo flying.
"That was easy." Lloyd commented and was about to leave when.
"Hey you with the thing that goes bang!" Came a high pitched voice.
LLoyd turned to see the goo was pulling itself back together, however
it wasn't just one, there were two, roughly half the size of when it
was just one.
"It isn't nice to blow people up!" One of the creatures said.
"Oh dear." Lloyd muttered.
The two creatures then disappeared under the water and she track
their fins heading towards that new restaunt that had been opened not
too long ago.

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