To escape, or not to escape? That is the question.

In the confusion of setting off a smoke bomb, Mike went to the thugs and
grabbed their guns.
"OK Dr. Alphabet! Let us go!"
He had his hands up, "Why should I?"
"It's pretty obvious! I've got a gun!"
"Good point. But why would you need me to free them?"
"Hey, you're right! You, birdmen give me the keys!"
The thugs gave him the keys.
This is cool! He felt like James Bond!
He ran to the cell and opened the door, "We're outta here!"
Dirk looked at White Wolf. "I just want you to remember this for future
reference: It wasn't me." The hamster was still groggy from the drugs but
seemed to understand.
Mike stood in the doorway with a confused look on his face. "Hey!? I did good,
didn't I? We wanted to escape,... didn't we?"
"Two main flaws in your plan, young man," Dirk stated. "First, we're extremely
outnumbered in an alien environment with no firepower to defend ourselves with
or understanding on how to get out of this mess."
"And the other?"
Dirk stood up and walked over to Mike. Squish, squish! Squish, squish!
Squish, squish! "That! There's no way for us to sneak around this compound
without being detected."
"But I though you were the one with the idea to break out of here?" Mike was
totally confused.
"That was before White Wolf and Kayn had more drugs put into their systems than
Keith Richards, Steve Tyler, and Joe Perry ever had in their's. Combined!
There's no way we can lug around our pilot and a six foot hampster, especially
without any idea of where we're going. Unfortunately, and I really hate saying
this, we'll have to remain here for the moment." He turned around and headed
back for the bench he had been sitting on.
"That's the way to take charge," the voice in his head returned. "Take
responsibility. Be a leader. Show your true intelligence. No more hiding
behind this brutish disguise."
"Shut-up," Dirk muttered.
"What was that?" Mike hadn't caught what it was Dirk had said, but heard the
scientist's voice say something.
"I said make up your mind. Stay here with us, or bolt."
OOC-it's up to you mike. just remember that no matter which you choose, we're
not supposed to escape.
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