Roskev \"Super Glue..the sticky stuff of to duck tape but thats already been taken...\"

--- Graham Grigg <ggrigg@...> wrote:
> Who:- Roskev, zoder anyone else who wants.
> Where:- Outside the ship
> When:- Somewhere between the beginning and the end
> of time, preferably
> towards the beginning...
Roskev crossed some wires and succeeded in burning her
fingers and opening the outer hatch which was the
She'd slowed the water intake by slamming every hatch
and using using the energy for the parrots bar disko
ball to power the water pumps. Internally they were
holding their own, externally...she looked at the
holes on the outside of the ship. She walked up to
zodar in time to hear about patching the holes. "Damn
right, here" she handed zodar one of a few backpacks
she had and then passed them around. "Super glue, just
spray it on. Its garantueed for giant ships sinking in
water." She turned away then turned back as an
engineer sprayed into a hole.."guys I meant slap some
piece of metal on it first I don't care where you get
it just not the primary systems or the hull.." Roskev
mumbles to herself..."at least zodar knows what he's
doing..."hey zodar!" Roskev yells and in turning he
falls next to some other guy in the water, She tosses
a line and continues to spray."sorry! btw you get to
be assistant chief engineer until i find out if i
already have one..."
Chief Engineer Sarah Roskev
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