They Forgot About One Man.....

Who: Trisees.
When: After giving Jay the Schematics.
Where: Supplies!
Lawrence Trisees stood at the top of the gangway overlooking the
huge stacks of boxes, bits and pieces of stuff that the Blue dwarf
held in it's supplies fields.
They were known as fields because on a ship five miles long, a
simple floor of just spare parts and equipment looks more like groups
of fields than a simple store room.
Trisees picked up a gravtrolley, a piece of paper and a robopicker,
and then hit the lift button to go down to the main floor, the lift
shaking and jostling about as the sea water affected the whole ship's
Trisees was currently feeling VERY pleased with himself. He'd
whisked up the plans for saving the metal scrapheap all by himself.
No wonder Captain Naples had chosen him to be the leader of 'Save
Stupid Ship,' he'd known that no one else in the world would have
been able to do it.
The lift abruptly stopped and Trisees found himself sitting on the
floor feeling very annoyed, nevertheless, he stood up, regained his
composure, and began the stroll along aisle one of the twenty five
hundred aisled expanse.
His eyes travelled along the supplies area looking at various
stacks of metal sheeting, admiring tools and gazing at other such
items. All the pieces of equipment and the utilities were giving him
ideas. It seemed that if he stayed down here, he could build
whatever he wanted, immerse himself in inventions, and never have to
interact with the rest of the crew again.
Trisees stopped walking and went over the last thought in his mind.
"Never interact with the crew again...."
There was a yell of joy from Trisees, and he continued walking
After three hours of walking up the first aisle, Trisees had all
that was needed to create the blimps he'd so brillaintly designed.
He looked at the large, quivering stack of parts and smiled as they
swayed precariously.
"Wait a minute," Trisees began, realising something. "Naples is
going to want me to put them together, isn't he?"
Trisees cursed, when he thought of having to go back up decks and
talk with the other crew members some more. He'd have to find some
kind of makeshift engineering party, there was no way he wanted to
strain himself making the blimps. He directed the gravtrolley back
towarsd the lfit and then stopped. The jostling of the lift,
combined with the shakiness of the trolley wouldn't be a great idea.
He looked around for another trolley, and when one couldn't be
found within arm's reach, he gave up and started the elevator anyway.
Trisees looked at his clothes and straightened out his coat, making
sure hw looked presntable. He'd seen various TV characters
from 'Channel 67 - Nauseating Nostalgia' do what he was about to, and
it looked highly simple. Shout a lot, say what they want to hear,
they become putty in your hands.
He bent down and pulled out a megaphone from next to the huge pile
of equipment he had in a pyramid stack behind him, whilst on his left
he'd erected a blackboard with the blimp schematics on prominent
Trisees cleared his throat and then began bellowing into the
"Roll up, roll up! Once in a lifetime experience avaibale to you
all! This chance will soon be over, take it now and don't wonder
what could have been! Volunteers needed for a task extreme
importance. Those that help get a reward, those that don't, don't."
He was very satisfied to see that once h'd started shotuing,
various people had begun wlaking over to him and waiting to see what
it was all about.
"Help the ship, get a rise! Save the ship, get a promotion! Fix
the ship, get the reward!" He shouted, watching as people's eyes lit
up greedily.
"I need eight volutnteers, or 4 strong people, or anyone really,
anyone interested in saving the ship or earning a reward! Build a
blimp, bag a bite of the big life! Cash prize for creation! Money
for makers!" Trisees continued shotuing. by now, at the slight
mention of money, people were sticking up their hands and begging for
Trisees to let them work.
'You know you can't pay them,' said Trisees inner conscience.
'Yes, but they don't know that,' Trisees inner voice pointed
out. 'And they'll work for it under the incentive that they'll get
'Good point and plan,' said his conscience.
'Why thank you,' replied Trisees' inner voice, grinning.
<Any one wish to post about building the blimps here, then go ahead.>
Trisees looked at the 300 completed blimps and smiled. Sure, there
were a lot of them, but as the time honoured saying went, better to
be safe than sorry.
He laos had liked the fact that he'd not helped make a single
blimp, but instead had been sitting in an old disused deckchair
sipping a drink of Scotch on the rocks, waiting for the menial work
to be done. He sure knew how to shirk repsonsibility. The group of
people were now waiting patiently for their money.
"Now you all probably want to be paid, am I right?"
The cacophony of 'yes' affiremd Trisees comment.
"Well, I'll tell the Captain and the heads of your departments to
add the relevant amount of money onto your paychecks for the end of
the month."
There was silence.
"But I thought you meant paid on completion," pointed out one
Trisees sighed.
"Did I EVER once say I would pay on completion?"
"What did I say?"
"There'd be cash for creating these blimps."
There was sielcne again as the brain of the worker tried to work
out what Trisees had just said. It failed. The worker wlaked away
slowly mumbling something about payment whilst the crowd dispersed
Trisees looked at the blimps which were connecting togther via a
high tensile rope and resting on the unloading mechanism. The
unloading mechanism was connected to a large access hatchway on the
side of the Blue Dwarf, where much larger objects than smaller ships
could be shifted from inside the ship to the outside and vice versa.
Luckily, one of these happened to be on the promenade. Trisees
walked over to a control panel, and swiftly disconected various
wires, before setting up a trip switch, and turning the hatchway on.
There was rumbling from the wall as five fake shops began to lift
up slowly and disappear into the top of the promedade's ceiling, to
reveal the glistening water world they were crashed upon.
Trisees grinnee as he watched Chrysler co-ordinate a large scale
completion of the hydrogen scoop. He lifted the megaphone again and
shouted out into the seaworld.
"Chrysler, here's your blimps!"
Chrysler looked up to see the promenade, and Trisees standing next
to a blimp that was almost nine feet tall.
"Nine feet tall?" Chjrysler asked himself. "That's not going to be
big enough for a ship..."
He was cut off as he watched Trisees slash something next to the
blimp and it rocketed out of the ship towrads the water. A logn
trialing rope connected to the back of the blimp pulled an identical
blimp after it, and so on, and so on, and so on.
The blimps powered into the water, untill all three hundred lay,
bobbing up and down, on the waves. They had a series of interlocking
ropes to be conncted to the top of the ship, and Trisees had soemhow
implemented a piepway to allow the blimps to be filled with hydrogen
by simply connecting it to the scoop.
Chrysler shook his head in disbelief.
"He may be a total smeghead and one of the worst people on the
ship, but boy, can he fix a problem."
"That's me done!" shouted Trisees at Chrysler. "The rest is up to
you now fly boy! I'm going to go set up camp down in the lower
decks. If you need any more brillaint mending or inventing, then
call someone else!"
Chrysler watched as the promenade sealed itself up, and the figure
of Trisees disappeared. All that remained now, was to hook up the
blimps to the top of the ship, set up the hydrogen scoop to them and
see if it worked.
Inside the ship Trisees was feeling much more smug with himself.
He hit the button for the cargo field and waited for the x-press lfit
to take him down the 455 floors. He had some plans for that cargo
field, some very good plans indeed.

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