Re: Cats and Parrotts

Who: Cerebrum, M'Ress, Zack, Cubie
Where: Parrots bar
> He tried to pull himself together. "Would you like to order a
> drink? The grill is currently out of commission, but we hope to
> have it running sometime before the ship sinks."
Then Cerebrum waded in. This was the first time in his life where it
had been to his advantage that he didn't spend lots of money on
expensive clothes. Once he was inside, he immediately stopped and
stared at M'Ress. Now, he wasn't exactly an expert on the crew, but
he was fairly sure that six foot tall bipedal cats weren't the
regular patronage of Parrots bar. That meant he was either seeing
things, or there was another, perfectly normal explanation. Mind you,
there hadn't been a perfectly normal explanation of anything ever
since he had boarded the ship. No, there had only been perfectly
insane explanations of anything he had asked about, which was he
stopped asking.
"Now, I took my medication fifteen minutes ago, and I don't feel the
usual symptoms, so that rules out one of my many delusions sneaking
up on me," he mused to himself, "and those two can apparently see
her, so, therefore, she must be real."
Once he had finished this line of reasoning, he asked aloud, "Okay,
who's in charge around here?"
<tag anyone>

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