The hamster maneuver (or should that be the White Wolf Man·euver?)

OOC - Sorry about the delay, I was waiting for Allie & Kayn to chip
in, and then I got caught up in some behind the scenes debate about
where the plot should go next with a few people (you know who you
are!). Anyways, On with the next segment!
- Tim/WW
Who: Kayn, Dirk, Mike, Allie, and White Wolf
When: Sometime before sunset
Where: on some distant shore
>Hours had past since they had set the net up. Each memeber of the
crew was
>taking his, or her, turn checking the net periodically while
everyone else set
>up camp. Dirk was coming back from his appointed round. "ARGH! Me
>Shiver me timbers and batten down my hatches." He leaned himself
against a tree
>boardering the shoreline. He looked up into the sky. There was
only one Areon
>plane there now. 'One down, one to go,' he thought to himself. He
pulled out
>his Swiss Army knife and began to whitle away at a piece of wood.
As Dirk stood whittling away at his piece of wood, he noticed the
huge hamster was looking like he was just merely checking the sea,
but Dirk also noticed he was glancing at the remaining Aeron aircraft
occasionally, and then quickly gave a darting glance towards the
single Aeron guard who was reporting in to headquarters, before
quickly approaching him from behind as the guard finished his report.
Dirk tensed, and softly said to Allie, Mike and Kayn, "White Wolf's
up to something..."
They watched as the overgrown hamster, stepped up behind the guard
and caught him with his left paw covering the gaurd's mouth, and with
his right paw fore claw, he reached up and 'tapped' the guards
forehead in a odd way. The gaurd suddenly slumped to the ground,
knocked out cold.
The great hamster rapidly pulled out his vidman, and hit a few keys,
and spoke "Sam - Engage your broad spectrum electronic counter
measures on that Aeron crafts ILM, that should bring it down."
Dirk demanded "What are you doing? I thought we weren't escaping!",
as the others quickly came running over to the expansive hamster.
"Engaging ECM tactics now" said the pretty blonde songtress(Sam), on
the vidman's screen as the Aeron craft suddenly seemed to have
difficulty in flying well.
The gigantean hamster quietly responded, "Hitching ourselves a new
ride, Dirk. You didn't seriously think I was planning on helping
these stupid idiots did you?"
Dirk looked at the ground for a moment, then spoke "Well... I..."
Allie interrupted, "Well, Why didn't you tell us?"
The amplitudinous hamster responded, "Because that war room was
bugged. I assume it was by the Aerons, so I figured if I clued you in
on the plan they know about it. So I had to make them believe that we
were going along with thim. I do apologise to each of you for
decieving you, but I had no choice in the matter, I..."
White Wolf was cut off as the Aeron craft suddenly crashed into the
exposed portion of the net, breaking off a wing. "Damn! I was hoping
they'd land and allow us overpower them and use thier craft. Looks
like we'll have to go with plan B. Grab the weapons, We'll need to
get down to that shore and over by that net as quickly as possible."
Muttered the jumbo hamster with a bit of annoyance as he deactived
his vidman and put it away in his vest pocket.
"Ok, What's plan B?" Inquired Mike as they all ran down towards the
shore, ladden with whatever weapons they found in the Aeron camp.
"It's basically the same as the Aerons set up for, to capture a sub
when it surfaces to get to remove or get out of that net. But only, I
have no intention of handing this sub over to the Aerons. Instead, I
want us to commandeer it, so we can return to the blue dwarf. As a
matter of fact, there's the one I sighted earlier, surfacing now,
perhaps they plan to capture the Aeron's aircraft." replied the
enormous Hamster, while pointing at a periscope slowly rising above
the waters near the net.
"What about the Starbug?", inquired Dirk while running.
"Well, it wouldn't be the first time we've lost one, Right Kayn?"
Quipped the hamster smiling in Kayn's direction before continuing
stopping at the edge of the sea water, "now are you all with me,
Shall we take that sub or Not? I don't like getting in the water
unless I have to, especially since no hamster ever swam that good to
my knowledge - So I need to hear decisions *right now*, we aren't
going to get a second chance at this!"
OOC - ok, over to you - Dirk, Mike, Allie & Kayn! Do you want to
commandeer a Eniram sub? Shall our next segment be 'the hunt for blue
october'? ;)

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