When it rains . . .

Cubie had returned, looking more annoyed than ever. "Zack, I
really hate those guys. I mean - Look at this place!"
Zack peered up from his hiding place behind the bar. Spears and
tridents were sticking out of most of the walls. At least half of
Owen's sports memorabilia had been ruined. And unconscious Eniram
were floating in the water or draped over broken tables and
chairs. "Owen's gonna have a conniption!"
Cubie looked out the door. Weapons fire was everywhere as the
security, frustrated and alcohol-deprived, held off a large group of
determined Eniram. After a few minutes of intense battle, the
weapons fire started to dwindle. Soon the Promenade was silent.
Cubie waved to Zack. "C'mon. Let's get out of here before
something ridiculous happens."
Zack frowned. "What could happen that's more ridiculous than
what we've already been through?"
Cubie grimaced. "On THIS ship?! Think, Zack! What HAVEN'T we
seen happen here!"
Zack nodded. "Good point!" He splashed around the bar and
joined Cubie at the door. Looking out, everything seemed
quiet. "Ready?"
Cubie shrugged. "Whatever. They're not gonna kill me unless
they smash my remote, so keep it in your pocket."
The couple started out across the Promenade.
It was then that the Eniram charged the security position. Had
they tried, Zack and Cubie couldn't have been more in the middle.
OOC: Try not to shoot Zack, Harris!
~Zack & Cubie~
~Targets of Opportunity~

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